Bad Matchmaking Thread

Why does every patch seem to make the game worse... Just leave it alone please it was good for a while and now its like its been reset and back to horrible.
This match might be the tipping point for me, the patch is awful and so is the matchmaking too. 450 hours in and I'm losing all my will to play let alone enjoy this.1733563181787.png
29988682 - alchemist II, 155k vs 76k in 25:00, monumental mmr difference seemingly, and a haze clearing house from our team (19 kills vs avg 6 on the rest of us). felt bad for them...

why are u forcing 50% winrate. i played 4 game before on lash and won. so why now i have to play 4 game with zero chances of winning?
Match ID: 29993182
So my matches are a new type of bad now. I've played like 6 games on the new patch. The first 2 were great. It felt like the games were close and could've gone either way. Won one and lost one, and didn't mind losing because it felt fair.

BUT NOW, 4 god damn games in a row, I've had at least 1 player, way far above everyone else's rank.

The game I'm posting, I asked everyone what rank they were. My team said around Emissary to Archon, and the enemy team said around PHANTOM. Now they could be lying, but they really were just way better than us. Like, to the point where it was not fun to play. I laned against the Vindicta and she seemed to be around my skill level, but everyone else was just destroying us. So, it says the average team rank was Archon, and I'm assuming that means it was like a Phantom stack and a couple of Emissary players, and my team seemed to have high emissary to low Archon.

I have all of the settings turned on. I have prefer solo queue on. I have extra competitive turned on (but most people still don't uses comms or do much coordinating). Tbf these really bad games were around 3-5 a.m. so maybe it's just a bad time to play.

But my god, if you can't find players around my skill level for me to play against, just leave me in queue, tell me to go to sleep. I'd much rather wait for a good game than this garbage. I've now deranked twice off of games against Phantom level and Oracle level players. Just don't match me against them. Especially if I have the extra competitive option on. That should tell you I care about my rank. And this shit, is not fair.

Also, the patch said it would try to give each team at least 2 frontliners. It's probably debatable if some characters are or not, but who tf is ours supposed to be. Like, maybe viscous, maybe if you build him that way. But they have Mo and Krill, and Lash and Bebop could def be frontliners if they're built that way. Can't complain about it too much, because we're just waiting on enough heroes for a draft system to fix that problem. But this is all to say, I think the matchmaker is way to eager to put me into whatever game is available. And they end up being trash.
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My last week has been absolutely horrible in terms of matchmaking. I feel totally out of place, in that literally everyone in the opposing team is on a higher level than me. It has never been this bad before. Sure I've lost big before, but it's very consistent now and I'm still the same rank as before.
I feel completely powerless most games, and it seems to be the case for my teammates as well as we get crushed in every single lane. This has drastically decreased the amount of time I put into the game in the last week, its just not fun.

Match IDs
Screenshot 2024-12-07 215025.pngEvery game this happens. Every fucking game after merging the rating and regular games! How is it possible to create such a bad mm? I had 60% winrate in 100 rating games. Now i just can't win.
30024519 again, insane composition gap LMAOOO what the fuck man. my team also all had 3rd-5th pick heroes... what is the mm doing LMAO
Valve can ban me untill the matchmaking system works good. Because I will get ban because of swearing at bad people on my team. When I search a match and start it. My team being expect me bots. They don't know how to control map, how to help each other how to combo together bla bla. But the enemy team seems like they've been playing together for years.

Shit ranked system.
Match 29351276: I get put on an off hero, which is listed as below my average skill, in a match rated well above my skill.
Match 29353044: The very next match, on my best hero, get put against the same Ascendant Duo Queue, but the match is somehow rated Phantom.
Match 30025270: "Matchmaking will try and give both teams frontliners" But they got Abrams and MnK, and we got... Lash? Who is nowhere near the same thing.
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You need to ban this Abrams. People like him are going to ruin this game. Set a precedent where this toxic nonsense isn't allowed.
IDK what to say anymore. It was a 6v3, three enemies left very early and we couldnt even get the win, because those people were sooooooo bad. Not in a toxic way, but what is that matchmaking algorithm? They didnt even try to itemize, they ran alone and just died because they clearly had no clue about the game at all. We couldve just fought them 6v3 every single time, but they were always jungling or on the other side of the map. When we killed all 3, I was alone in their base defeating their shrines and patreon. They dont even bother helping. No objective damage from them at all. I was busy running from lane to lane trying to help them to no luck. Why do I get those mates, they are clearly not able to play the game at all. I had to spend half my networth on items like curse etc, because they didnt even bother.