Bad Matchmaking Thread

I'm a phantom player matched on an archon lobby forced to babysit 5 guppies to their win otherwise it's sold, better fix this.1733448322959.png1733448246008.png
AU server matchmaking is kinda in the dumpster at the moment, not many players.
Queued into this game with 3 other friends of mine, and we found that our two solo laners were also queued together as a duo. Now our duo split into solo lanes was understanding and just went meh, but the enemy team had a massive babyrage due to having the same problem and both of their solo laners abandoned. IDK I just want to play the game and not have people raging before the game even starts.
Match ID: 29848161

God you guys fcking suck at balancing mmr, a party of 4 brand new players which they stated in comms and chat in an Oracle 1 and Archon Elo. Sorry but fuck you guys. I tried 1 game after a break. alp]ha game bullshit is not an excuse. The worst mmr system compared to 2 months ago when it was fine.
29899273 (21:06) stomp, im miffed bc my entire team feed every lane and i derank
i swear i only get these teams after i lose a win streak
like y
i begged them to just chill and they kept feeding crying idk what to do
like y do i derank here? bc the giest isnt playing their main?
also wtf is giest CDs she gets everything so fucking fast like what counter play do i have when she life steals me through a wall?!
This mcginnis was clearly pretty new / bad, not sure how they ended up laning against the warden but they fed HARD -
Match ID - 29900063

In fairness, the dynamo seemed to be just as new / bad but it would've made way more sense to matchup to dynamo and mcginnis instead of feeding this warden so hard1733455136420.png
another bad game but in the other direction, absolutely stomped abe and it was boring ngl, but i gained of this?!
would really love to see individual ranks for heroes

Match ID 29902434
Lobby ranks indicated it should've been a close game (within one sub rank) however it was very one sided; the winning team had all their buildings still at the end.

the haze player said she has least priority on the hero and fed, please just let me play haze also just a generally awful team, game was clearly over by 15 minutes even if we got a even team networth at somepoint

Seemed like most of my team was new to the game and they played it like it was a deathmatch in CoD. I wouldn't be surprised if their obj was accidental. Pretty sure Lash took down all the guardians for them.

Also Shiv is fucking broken. This is the second game I've played where they kill everyone. Maybe we would've been able to deal with the if our entire team got healbane, but that's the kind of thing you would see when people decide to play ranked matches. To bad y'all took that decision away. (¯ ¯٥)
I really hope the update tomorrow actually fixes Deadlock's MM because I've been gone for almost a week and this is the first match I get into
[ID: 29908578]
Genuinely the worst matchmaking I've ever seen
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Just like the two posts above, this one also features a Vindi going absolutely ham:

ID: 29914045

From the very start, not even close, in every single lane.
ADDED 06.12.
ID: 29929964
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Match ID 29915157
Match ID 29912741

I'm Archon suddenly stuck in Oracle/Phantom lobbies? Like what happened, it was my last 2 games, not to mention they're complete stomps.
I have 300 hours in game. For some reason you match me with people who are literally playing their first game AND give the enemy all the newbie pub stompers like Bebop, Haze, M&K and Warden. They just kept complaining how they (at 12k souls) couldn't kill the bebop (fed at 20k souls at this point) and wouldn't listen that he gets bomb stacks and if they literally just stay next to me I can teleport them and they will take no damage.

I can reliably counter or play around every character with my mains but when I have 2 people who are in their literal first game thinking they are playing Overwatch there is nothing I can do to stop the snow ball and it just isn't fun in the slightest. Me and Kelvin were fine in our lane but by the time laning was over we had a fed Bebop, Warden and Haze.

It's getting to the point I may just log in for the bi-weekly patch, see if MM is any better and if not just leave until next patch. I've heard this sentiment a lot in my games. There is something very wrong with MM from last patch and something really needs changing.

I don't mind losing. I can have fun losing. But not when there was never a chance in hell and I'm getting curb stomped. Close matches are fun, even if I lose, but I've had 1 close match all week. All the others have been me destroying the enemy team or getting destroyed. Please change something.

Outdrafted and outclassed
thank you for forcing us to gamble our hero choices and matchmaking is dogshit
keep up the good work :)
