Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 29802447

Matchmaking system just doesn't seem to work, honestly. I lose a few games, go down a rank. Get matched with worse players. Go down more ranks. Rinse and repeat. Doesn't matter what my performance is as a support player.
Match ID: 29804676

Being qued into a match and getting 5 support heroes on your team
meanwhile enemy team gets qued with 5 Big DPS heroes

just so boring to even get matched like this nothing you can do
Put a limit on how many Support and DPS heros can be in a team or something!
It's only emissary I get it, but i literally have a team of bots..... EVERY lane lost, I had more than 5x objective damage of my ENTIRE team with every one under 1k.
Worst match making ive seen yet.

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help

Unbalanced teams. maybe smurfing vindicta

Here's another one. The Mo and the Infernus were almost certainly a duo, and neither one should have been in this game. Likewise, the Bebop and the Mirage seem to be smurfing (the Mirage said this wasn't his "main account").

But what I really want to focus on is how not fun this must have been for the Mo and the Infernus. It was not fun for everyone, but this must be miserable for new players to be placed into these lobbies.
team of 3 supports, 2 squishes and Abrams against team of 6 most powerful characters of this patch. Wtf is this mm
Also plz, stop putting Ivy on solo lane, i literaly cant do anything against Haze ever
Match 29837657
18-0 vinicta just stomped on every lane shie was in. They ended the game at 20 minutes with a 50k difference.
Why even bother right now?
What do you know? Another day of deadlock another day of terrible matchmaking. Fix this game already and balance these characters. Funny how Talon, Shiv, McG, and Bebop, the characters that require the least amount of skill dominated. 1733378698042.png
This is the only game I've played this patch where the MM was objectively bad. Match: 29845579

3/4 lanes got stomped. I lost my lane but mostly because I rotated to help out a lane that was being stomped in comms and the warden rotated to my lane.

Team the whole game never pushed lanes, never took any farm. Just respawned and died, rinse repeat. Even with comms saying to avoid team fight ands push lanes give up some objectives to give us space. They just went in 1 by 1.
Match ID - 29848269.

Match making in solo getting really bad. I live in Dubai and even though my region is default Europe, I get games in SEA while I don't mind it at all but the quality of the games are really questionable, there's always a mismatch and every game is a stomp which is not fun. I get maybe 1 decent game out of 6 games. This is really ruining the experience and making me not want to play anymore.