Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 29694218


Just because I'm on a 5 match winstreak on Vindicta doesn't mean you have to put me in a match where it's a guaranteed loss. I tried my best, but it was impossible with someone in my team always being dead. The opposing team had an emissary Haze who I didn't even see for most of the match, and when I did see her, I killed her. It didn't matter how many times I 1v2 or 1v3 killed them, they were just getting continuously fed. Lash was intentionally not defending any walkers and only chasing kills even though he was way behind everyone. Clearly, this is a mandatory loss because of performing too well during my win streak, but does performing well even during a loss with highest player damage, highest objective damage, 58% KP and 3.5 KDA mean that I'll only get matches where I'm expected to carry 4-5 teammates?

What's the point of me performing well if I get worse matches the better I do? How does an emissary Haze get a free win, but a ritualist Vindicta get a mandatory loss?
To contrast with that match, this was my previous match on Vindicta which was a very even game that got my heart racing and had me clenching my butt at the end.

Match ID: 29627010

I went from one of the most even teams in the lobby with everyone playing at a decent level to an absolute trash lobby in the match after this one where I was expected to carry all of my teammates. You guys need to stop making losses mandatory for people on a win streak in decent lobbies. This match was actually good with everyone around the same skill level. We outplayed each other in macro and teamfights. Both teams had comms and were playing well.
Total blowout match. 16 kills vs 51 kills. We lost 3 lanes, but the culprit of the poor match quality was blue lane specifically. Lash/Paradox were beyond demolished in the midgame and lategame, pretty much dying off respawn. Their lane phase was a loss but I didn't think it was that unreal of a steamroll until we reached minute 15 or so where we still didn't have a single flex slot while the opponents had pretty much all of them. Infernus and Warden and Viscous were pulling their weight, I won my solo lane overwhelmingly, but it wasn't enough. Unfortunately 2 players on our team were just severely outclassed both in lane and in team fights. The enemy pocket and Lash in particular became exhaustingly fed early into the match which contributed to the outcome.
Match ID: 29705032

Mirage on the other team smurfing and on top of that my teammates bar haze didn't respond to a single comm and just hard fed all game without going for a single objective until the 30 minute mark. I'm currently hardstuck emissary 1 because I'm being forced to hard carry my entire team every game and if I lose even once I derank. PLEASE FIX MATCHMAKING FFS
another 20min game where my team gets stomped. I win like 6 of 20 games now. Soooooo much fun, really. I dont really know what is going on with the matchmaking, but it is seriously in the worst state I have ever experienced. And it is NEVER the other way round. NEVER. A 50% lead at 17 minutes, wow. Thats fair matchmaking.


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Again, I'm way out of the league of players I'm up against and am just getting stomped every match. I've decided to quit for a while because I'm just not having fun anymore.
happening to me as well, I've never had so many losses in a row before this patch, so I quit as well until they fix it
Bad matching. team with totally newbie. like after they finished tutorial than go find match.


our team lose 0-44, enemy from 4 mid lane gank solo lane, where their already p until walker within 10 min, when war my teamate just charge in without skill. due to different soul enemy get from mid/walker/kill for sure cant do anything and wait to be slaughter. even try to p enemy guardian, team mmbr just charge to kill enemy
Sadly only 16 matches in my history, if there would be more, it wouldnt look any better. I dont know what they are doing, it just keeps getting worse and worse. I will quit for now as well.


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Match 29722784

Lesh, Infernus, Shiv, Viscus have unbearable damage. How to play like that? On the lane, Lesh somehow managed to get to mine with his 3 ability from his guardian and deal 500 damage to me on 10 minutes.
Couldnt kill anyone because of dmg distribution. They all just bought spirit resist and our team didnt have enough dmg.


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Couldn't carry my team no matter how hard I tried, even with double the combined kills of the whole team
Match 29676711


Just please for the love of god fix this shit. How are games like this even possible. I don't know what you did to MMR when you merged queue but I've been losing every game getting stomped or if I win I just stomp. It isn't fun, all the close matches just seem to have disappeared.
match ID: 29548732
teams skill diff is insane, every lane except for mine was lost very badly and I feel like players on my side were significantly weaker