Bad Matchmaking Thread


We were behind in souls for the whole match, I did good in my lane though. After that it was just awful. We all just kept dying, tried to push lanes and farm but they would kill us all again. The whole match after laning was just one stomp after another and it really felt like there was nothing we could do.

Some matches I can go 11-1 with mcg, but I guess this team just wasn't as good. I would suggest we push green, but no one would show up. It's almost as if my whole team was new to the game and I was meant to carry them, which I do not want to do, even if I could.
Solo queue at mid-tier ELO is completely cooked - multiple games today 20+ kills 4+ KDA paired with at least 3 completely new players and no chance to win - please set a MAX RANGE between ELOs to pair in the same lobby instead of just targeting an average. Literally nobody cares about having an actual INSTANT queue - nobody needs it - sacrificing multiple hours of gaming with unwinnable lobbies so we can have an instant queue and give you completely worthless data makes no sense. Please fix this in the next patch. 29752825, 29747767

Seemed like Dynamos first match, or at least someone was playing them for the first time. I felt kind of bad for them so I didn't kill them, but took out their objectives. I'm not sure how that team was average alc4, it sure didn't seem like it. Maybe there was one really high rank in there and the game expected them to carry a team of newbies.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Match ID: 29764562
Enemy kept control of the entire match since laning phase, and in total we killed them about 10 times, they got about 40 kills. Match felt like a total stomp while i also was playing one of my least played characters, mcguiness
34 kills to 5. lost all lanes.

match id - 29770451

one more. (this time we stomped) 39 kills to 7.
match id - 29773984

matchmaking has been particularly egregious today.
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Just an abysmal game. We had lost by like 10 mins, only dragged on because we barely squeaked out a win, Never had the soul lead. Barely even close.
if i could get like a popup telling me the ranks were this far apart and the option to decline the game like in dota that would be nice


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I got really bad matches yesterday:

I am Archon II, why put me against Phantom III and Oracle V

And my rank never changes. If ranked is based off of winrate only, I cant go 50% winrate for that long. And make it auto win if enemy team disconects. We were wasting 10 min just to destroy their patreon 29742655
Why is it that since you merged queue, my teammates look like this (lol those fucking deaths)

And the enemy team looks like this

I don't know what you changed with MMR in the patch but the matches have been significantly worse. I would enjoy really close matches last patch with 5-10k soul difference. This patch, I either stomp the enemy team or get stomped. Never any in-between.

I've noticed that players are getting more apathetic too. Lots of people just see the skill difference the MMR is putting them against and just wait at fountain to let the enemy win, get the game over with so they can hopefully find a new one.

Yes I know "alpha" yadda yadda, but word of mouth is the main advertisement of this game at the moment so having the whole "The MMR is shit, don't play" starting to surface now is a really bad sign.
Match ID : 29786874
I don't know if my team was new or what happened, but outside of my lane Viscous vs Haze it was just stomp.
Warden just 1v6 us.

Match ID: 29791336
Lobby lower level than mine and buddy's, the strong players on the other team were Warden and Pocket, we were Mo & Krill and Dynamo, no fun was had on our side