Bad Matchmaking Thread

I'm trying to learn Infernus, and I'm not sure how the new hero specific matchmaking works but almost every game that i have been given as Infernus has me matched with teammates that are consistently and clearly lower MMR than pretty much the entirety of the other team. Either that or the other team has one or more smurfs that are easily able to run away with the game in the lower MMR games.

Here's some examples
- 29601028
- 29433565
- 29348733

one of many today, mainly the issue is the team composition. Our team have little to no CC or engagers, while the enemy team is given 3 strong CC that can act as fight engagers. Not much we could do to initiate team fights, while they could control our entire team with Lash, Dynamo and Pocket, even if we were doing really well in the start.
Hello, please see the following matchids :
29603408 - ivy goes 30/0 on the other team, I queued with a hero I feel ok with
29604652 - the same user is now on my team, goes 10/0 and quits because they feel the matchmaking is giving poor results and they are ruining the game for others. I picked a hero I have played like once or twice and am terrible with. The user said they haven't played in a few months.

This can't be working as intended and I wanted to report it.


Very rough mismatch here, I think that the team I was on was not on the same level as the opposing team. We were only able to kill one Guardian (even after the Guardian damage changes) in the entire game time.

And now this one; Kelvin and Vindicta were almost certainly a duo, and they were so far beneath the lobby it couldn't have been fun for them either.
match ids 29607528 , 29605878 . This is insane, I'm in ascendant 3 lobby, with people who seem new to the game, just look at the first one, how does my whole team go 1-7, 0-8, 1-6 not one guardian was gone, i was winning my lane as well... that's unacceptable the sharkie_tv guy is Eternus 5 btw and he couldn't perform at all, why is he even there, i thought i was the one supposed to be carried... just watch the vod, that kind of match making makes the game no bueno, its kind of hard to carry games especially when its ascendant lobbies with people knowing how to play the game, atp you're just hard stuck especially if your solo q. Also I've heard people who never played ranked got into these ranks, how do you expect these people with no competitive mind set to perform in these ranks, a lot of these guys deserve lower ranks, i get that there is not enough players for the ranked mode, but most of these people who were placed in these lobbies don't have fun just as much i don't, and also I've tested how these mm works, you go crazy against people who aren't so good, and then the game thinks you can carry lobbies the next matches and puts those people who aren't so good on your team, why cant it just be even, i probably had one or two even matches , last patch matchmaking i felt was better than this one. and i don't think there has been a game that ended this quick without someone leaving for this patch (which is suppose to have long games) lmao especially in ascendant lobby. Not trying to cope, but i think you guys should know about this, that is all.


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this game was extremely imbalanced, the other team was heavily coordinated, i suspect it was a premade team against us despite having solo_prefer convar on.
That matchmaking in this game is so atrocious. I'm a newish player, and paired with other newer players, against a solid 6 team in Discord all with 1000+ hours each. First 2 mins the other team was already at 100k, and we were barely breaking 10k. I left and got a 6-hour ban. Fuck you Deadlock...
Just gotta pile in here and say that skill wise, games feel extremely random. Huge amount of players in the middling ranks are grossly misplaced (in both directions). You done goofed with the placement algorithm and/or ranked+unranked MMR merge.

Background: I started playing early November having never touched the game before, but I've been a FPS pro in a different title and I've had 6k MMR in dota2 some years back.

I've climbed from initiate to now at archon 3 in the span of a month and still climbing fairly fast, I win my lane about 95% of the time, and out of those roughly 80% are straight up stomps.

Today, I stomped my enemy in lane so hard, he abandoned the game after about 7 minutes in. Then, three of my teammates also proceeded to leave once the game was safe-to-leave, effectively resulting in a forced loss for me because I won my lane too hard. No need to point out how ridiculous this is given the fact this also results in MMR loss.

Think there needs to be a win-streak / loss-streak bonus that amplifies MMR gain/loss, and if there is one it needs to be considerably more aggressive to sort players into the brackets they belong to faster, at least when winstreaks / loss-streaks are combined with underperformance or overperformance in those respective games.

I solo-lane 98% of games - Swear to fucking god I'm laning against a high phantom / low ascendant level player one game, and the next game I'm against a guy who doesn't know how to parry or deny souls and I just steamroll him with no effort. And both of these players are in archon.

Cherrypicking a couple of the most ridiculous recent examples of how bad these lobbies are, and then a couple of examples of me being the only player with a functional brain on my team (with all love and respect). The infernus game in particular was a spiritual experience

Honestly at this point just do a hard MMR reset and try again with a new placement algorithm, rather than leaving a huge portion of the playerbase grossly misplaced.



My Theory that I've tested out since the 11/25 changes are that once a team hits 55% they will automatically win and that there are barely any soul lead changes. Also every single game has had a Haze. I encourage everyone to look into the 55% soul mark. My theory is that there are no comeback mechanics and even hitting a 53% or 54% soul lead ensures a win.

Games Where Winners Hit 55% and Kept Lead:

Games Where Winners Hit 55% and Losers Came Back:

I played 27 games and I counted ~ 14 soul lead changes in in 10 games that had any lead changes at all.
These two games were incredibly unbalanced and extremely un-fun. We never had a chance whatsoever because the skill difference between the teams was massive. I'd much rather not find a game than play a game with this much imbalance.

Match IDs: