Bad Matchmaking Thread

ID: 29539601

Haze either throwing or not having the slightest clue how to play the game, and the opposing Abrams/Warden duo playing in this really disrespectful, smurf-y way. Most other lanes got stomped as well but the Abrams was particularly out of this elo. They even prolonged ending the game to farm kills.

ADDED 01.12.:
ID: 29563506
ID: 29571690
Last edited:
ID: 29540550

Geist was either throwing or had no idea how to play the game, not sure how she wasn't in initiate 1, seriously the worst matchmaking i've ever seen. Most of my team wouldn't even defend obvious objectives that were under attack, which i've never experienced at ritualist before.
The last two matches were even worse. I don't even know why I bother playing this game. It's like the gaming equivalent of gambling. I know matchmaking is still in progress, but making it ranked when it was already in such a bad state as is was genuinely the stupidest thing I've seen. Please revert the casual/ranked fusion. As for the matches, the first one was fairly fine until out of nowhere they rolled us into the ground, and the last one was so bad we barely got to do literally anything. Their mirage and Abrams were carrying p much. I wasn't even able to do anything to Mirage or his troopers in the laning phase cause all he had to p much do was sit on the bridge and fire shots like he has a Deagle in the form of a Lego blaster. [IDs: 29540387 and 29542102]

These are my last 4 matches, but honestly my stack and I have lost 11 out of our last 12 matches. Always feels like regardless of our performance, there is always at least one person on our team who is significantly worse than the other team. Feels like I'm waiting forever for my ELO to drop enough to where I can start winning again.
Okay, before today I had kind of okay-ish experience, but now, good lord. I haven't had a single good match, and the last one was plain impossible. 29554723. Come on, what is going on. 11 minutes and it's over. 25k vs 80k. Mo with 5 death on minute 4. Lash the same. This is completely ruined and players like this should get permanently banned from the game. This is not fun, they are greefing on purpose. How is this "balanced" on "Alchemist 3"? Who is alchemist on amber hand? The rating system is completely and utterly borked and needs to be reset to zero.
comical level of skill disparity.
The wraith in this game is probably misplaced by 2 full ranks.
20k souls diff at 13minutes.
Solo queue.
players misplaced skillwise, that cant play at all for the rank they get put in.
Solo queue is a coin toss and mm isnt working
misplaced smurf gets into a game he cant play, resulting in a 5v6.
Solo queue, as usual, is a coin toss and mm isnt even remotely working
game after the one posted above>

mirage chainfeeding, clearly another misplaced player in a game he cant handle.
Solo queue, matchmaking is a joke.
Also deranked thanks to these games.
Hey so I don't ever post on these, but ever since the ranked merge all my matches have been looking like this. I'm no pro gamer, I'm just a dude who finds this game fun, and getting stomped every single time we log on is really putting me and a bunch of my friends off from playing it.
Please find a way to separate the people playing for their goddamn lives and the people who just got off a shift and are relaxing.


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unbalanced game due to the fact that there's a party smurfing to abuse matchmaking. They lost but the game was terrible
After reinstalling due to the current state of deadlock, can say my opinion hasn't changed and it probably got worse from before. Mcginnus is a massive problem alongside the increased number of poor matches, not even 10 minutes and lost walkers without a single guardian gained in return. Game isn't even out yet and people wanna be assholes.
ID: 29582138

mm is infested with players misplaced skillwise.
Wraith in this game had no business being there, no communication, no intentional to play with the team.
Cost us the game.