Bad Matchmaking Thread

7 loses in a row and they have felt absolutely miserable. It's like I'm playing a completely different game. I feel bad when I drag my team down but it feels even worse when they're worse than me and clearly don't belong in the game. If I'm struggling and having a bad time then I can't imagine how bad it must feel for them :(

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The game is clearly putting low MMR players with high MMR players and the game balance is all over the place.
None of us belonged in the sweaty league, except Pocket who complained about it. The urn wasn't touched. Mid boss was ignored. I don't think anyone even farmed, they just kept pushing and killing us. Near the end our attacks did nothing and none of us had souls for new items, nor were we able to leave the base to try and farm because we would just get murdered. I hope this new "ranked mode" helps literally at all, but I suspect the schedule will make it so 'regular' matches will be the same when there are no ranked matches.
7 loses in a row and they have felt absolutely miserable. It's like I'm playing a completely different game. I feel bad when I drag my team down but it feels even worse when they're worse than me and clearly don't belong in the game. If I'm struggling and having a bad time then I can't imagine how bad it must feel for them :(

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I've also felt like it's a completely different game. Maybe it's just the honeymoon phase ending, but every match is just a SLOG. Either a blow out in my teams favour, or the opposite. I never feel like I have any agency.
MatchID 22203752
End screen is closer than it actually was. Sapphire team just had too many players that had no idea what they were doing where as Amber had great teamwork and worked were all pretty close skill-wise. Very frustrating game

7 loses in a row and they have felt absolutely miserable. It's like I'm playing a completely different game. I feel bad when I drag my team down but it feels even worse when they're worse than me and clearly don't belong in the game. If I'm struggling and having a bad time then I can't imagine how bad it must feel for them :(

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8th lose in a row. This time I decided to pick (what feels like to me, for my skill level) a really overtuned character. This felt like it made a huge difference in my personal performance. It was much easier to move around the map, farm quickly, and contribute to fights. Less effort and more payoff. Still didn't matter. My duo partner uninstalled and I don't like playing solo so I am done. Good luck you guys I hope it gets better.

Match ID 22200697

The Abrams played like it was their 2nd or 3rd time ever playing the game. Would just focus me instead of minions and feed due to turrets. Even started to build sorta memey to see if they can recover but started to rage and int. Their seven and paradox sorta ran in a straight line most of the time getting themselves killed. It was mostly a stomp and only went on as long as it did cause the team started to screw around and aim for the 100% instead of just ending it asap. I would say pocket and mirage was about the same skill level as me and the rest was lower or new to the game.

The game is clearly putting low MMR players with high MMR players and the game balance is all over the place.
Given my last few games, I feel like it's putting 1 MMR high player on one side, then 6 on the other. Match ID 2200697 (one above this post) feels like an example of that.

Another example of that I had was Match ID 22183997
I played safe and focused on trying to defend. Rest of my teammates just kept fighting and ignoring waves. Double the souls on their side while my team just playing like it was their first game. Only notice this type of match making last 2-3 days.

MatchID 22217216 - Always think putting Vindicta and Grey Talon on same team is hit / miss (more miss) but this was a silly onesided affair for the other party members of my team.
Match 22216519

The Seven and Dynamo on our team had literally no idea what they were doing.
They combined for 5-31-17.
We were behind over 41k souls.

Just another pure waste of our time, was over from the very beginning.
Match ID 22221185. Every lane on my team seems to have easily countered their opposition. We kept a lead the entire game, lost almost no guardians at all, and they gave up and abandoned by the 17m mark (and I do not blame them!)

Of note, this immediately follows Match IDs 22215585 and 22211229, which were both flops on my teams' side. This in turn followed off 22206032, which was aggressively lopsided in favor of my team. So it looks at a glance like the game might be massively overcompensating for each match and sine-waving MMRs around; other teammates in the 22221185 game said they were experiencing the same thing.
Match ID 22220165 - I played Geist. I am in the UK, why is everyone else in the server Russian? I would rather wait 10+ minutes than play more games with no European players.
Valve, what have you done....
Every time I queue with my friend today I always get put in another lane away from him

Every match has been a lost due to very poor team plays and experience gap. This has been the worst day ever.

Example 22223916....15min mark and the had 110k to 50ish k. How did the match making think that was a fair game. All tanks, with super heals vs squishy ganking team.