Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 22238807
Completely steamrolled by the other team. 70k difference after 18 minutes.
They were at our base at 10 minutes.


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Match ID: 22235886, most of my team appeared completely unable or unwilling to take objectives out, and kept leaving me for dead.

One second team seems to be following me, next they've all found some corner to farm in and abandoned pushing objectives.

another unsalvageably one sided stomp. 70k soul diff (90k to 160k) with two players on one team who played exceptionally poorly (0/6/0) (0/7/0). These kind of games feel like there was never a different possible outcome, which, win or lose, is really the worst feeling game. Demoralizing to lose, boring to win
Another match where I was grossly ahead of nearly my entire team who was stomped by their team. This is a recurring theme. I'm not sure if this is because the game is trying to balance the teams or what, but this is a fairly frustrating experience that gets repeated.

Match #22250387
Screenshot 2024-10-13 030929.png

16 minute 60k soul lead stomp. Highly anomalous game. Despite me and my duo's client saying that we were in NA, both of our ping was stable around 112-119, and would not go lower. Also, every other player in our game appeared to be Russian/Eastern European. It was 2 AM when we queued, so playing with players from different countries who speak different languages can be expected, but I think we were the only two English speakers in the entire match, and this still doesn't explain why our ping was so high despite us being in NA seemingly queueing into NA servers. No console commands were used to swap regions either. Also, when him and I went into Sandbox mode together, the ping was still about 110-120. Not sure what's happening here.

EDIT: My duo buddy utilized to see what server we were playing in and apparently we played one game in RU servers (22236801) and one in EU (22242826) in two back to back games? Somehow, we got moved to RU/EU servers despite being in NA? I'm not sure if this website is reliable, but we did have people speaking Russian in our previous games and didn't think much of it. I have no idea what is happening here -- we can't change servers on our own without console commands. I hope this gives valuable feedback?

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In general, the matchmaking has been really bad the past few days... I'd add some ids but literally ALL of my recent games since oct 10th have been bad. If anyone from Valve sees this, please just revert it back to the way it was pre-patch.
Match: 22254139

Possibly the worst game I've ever seen (out of 100+ games)

135k vs 211k souls. (was even worse at the start)
4 to 38 kills (and 3 of those 4 were due to them just being really careless at the end, because who cares?)

Don't know what the hell the match maker was doing in this game. But these players never should have been in the same game. Just a troll game.

A clear example of why a surrender option is needed. 15min game dragged out to 30mins (because 'they were having fun').
Match ID: 22256270

Seven and Kelvin. Warden and Kelvin lost Green Walker in less than 10 minutes after asking to switch with Kelvin. Seven, Kelvin, Warden, just watch em.
22261703, along with the last 2-3 matches. As of late, my games have been practically stompfests and it makes me wonder why I even bother playing. It doesn't help that my teammates barely even respond or talk back when I do callouts or talk in chat. I just wanna play the fucking game bruh.