Bad Matchmaking Thread

Welp 3rd game in a row.


This is getting bad. I keep losing basically at the hero lobby seeing the teams due to hero mismatch. Please stop putting specific heroes together.
match id 28663529

both solo lanes (purple and yellow) got absolutely stomped, ended up with a very one-sided game


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28668552 im either ascendant or phantom i dont even know anymore but im being put in a solo lane against an eternus 5 i didnt get to play this match
The majority of my games are extremely one sided since the new patch*. Example is the last 7/10 games I have played. Match IDs for the 7 are the following:

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For the first two days of 'old' matchmaking I won 7 games in a row because everyone is trying hard to win the game. Today's update is a disaster. Teammates doesn't try to win, their skill is very low, game starts with the message 'my first game on *hero_name*'. Or the rank of players is way lower than used to be.

Idk what is wrong, but please bring back 'Ranked' mode, not all players want to try hard to win game, this brings a lot of frustration. If you want to chill/test builds - go play 'Casual'. - my tracklock stats for reference
Absurdly one sided games since the new patch. I’m not a ranked player, I’m not a skilled player, the queue merge has made games both more mismatched and more toxic and it’s severely harming enjoyment. Cant even farm because someone who knows an optimized route after playing 300 hours straight is in my game VS me the person who just thinks the movement feels good and is learning how to MOBA.


Adding my match IDs to the pile, but the cause of the mass spike in poor match quality should be fairly obvious.
team cant push for the sake of the patron i am doing absurd amounts of pushing by my lonesome while the team is just intetntly focused opn one lane
its insanity man how am i dealing more obj damage then the rest of team COMBINED how are some of them still 0 not even one ZERO ZILCH NADADeadlock Screenshot 2024.11.22 - Screenshot 2024.11.22 - Screenshot 2024.11.22 - Screenshot 2024.11.22 - Screenshot 2024.11.22 -
Due to a unification of ranked and unranked queue pools, all of my recent games have been extremely one-sided. Here I wish to say a few words about the one where I (and, frankly, my whole team) was completely obliterated (on each lane).

Match ID: 28693696.
I got assigned to a solo lane against Shiv (who later turned out to be a sweaty guy and put up huge numbers). Even though I wasn't showing my A-game I still consider my efforts quite good for a beginner, however I was still in dire straits due to my opponent being overwhelmingly better than me in any macro-game aspect (farming, buying (clearly has his superior to a deafault buy-build and used to playing with it), getting away from fights [movement]) [in understanding how the game works overall]. The guy has been carrying his team throughout the whole match with his teammates already being decent. What I am trying to say is that the whole opposing team game-level was much higher than ours.

Later after the game when i checked his Deadlock profile it turned out that his total number of games played was 70 to my 28 games played. Even though the hero-wise games played statistics was pretty similar on his Shiv and my Wraith, I think the overall statistics (all heroes-wise) (such as total games played and maybe even the number of hours spent in the game) shall also be considered by the matchmaker when making a match.

*A bit of an off-topic but he has also 1k hours of Dota 2 playtime on Steam which implies him having a whole bunch of experience in MOBA games. And then there's me who's never played one before trying Deadlock, which also puts me in a hindicup situation*

Summing up all mentioned above + my opinion on the 21.11.2024 mathmaking system update:
After the patch most of the games are strongly one-sided. The matchmaker should also rely on the overall stats of a player all heroes-wise (including the number of games played). I am not saying the previous matchmaking system was better, it's just that the unification of ranked and unranked queue pools made it more uneven. Also, in my opinion, the ability to chose between playing a ranked game and an unranked game should not have been taken away.
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This new matchmaking is an awful idea. With controller support you have people playing ultra casually, on high impact heroes, who literally can't land abilities. The Warden in this match got mad I said he only had 4k when the rest of us were at 7k and the enemy team was all above him as well. Then he proceeded to run around ignoring the lanes and base, farming neutrals and boxes, but only having an enemy in ult radius about 5% of the time.

Bring back ranked for the love of all that is worthwhile in this world, because at least there was a time of day I knew I could get a semi-decent match in
team cant push for the sake of the patron i am doing absurd amounts of pushing by my lonesome while the team is just intetntly focused opn one lane
its insanity man how am i dealing more obj damage then the rest of team COMBINED how are some of them still 0 not even one ZERO ZILCH NADAView attachment 30339View attachment 30340View attachment 30341View attachment 30342
I try to do the same every game, that amber badge I've gotten more times than any other. Have had to solo the patron more than once
why someone should play games where ranking is involved, when the result is this?
there's clearly an insane problem in team balance going on
3 players on my team with 1 kill/assist participation at 15 minutes. Meanwhile everyone on enemy team has at least 5+ except one person. Another lopsided game where they just group and finish. Feels like all my games are like this and it makes me not want to play

MATCHID: 28721383


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Just revert that thing already, and please to everyone in here that doesnt like the merge, please open a thread in changelog feedback, otherwise they wont listen i guess
This new matchmaking is an awful idea. With controller support you have people playing ultra casually, on high impact heroes, who literally can't land abilities. The Warden in this match got mad I said he only had 4k when the rest of us were at 7k and the enemy team was all above him as well. Then he proceeded to run around ignoring the lanes and base, farming neutrals and boxes, but only having an enemy in ult radius about 5% of the time.

Bring back ranked for the love of all that is worthwhile in this world, because at least there was a time of day I knew I could get a semi-decent match in
The match making changes in this game make it completely unplayable at this point. 9 out of 10 games are wildly unbalanced stomp fests, which i dont think is fun from either side. I tried playing 4 or 5 games today, and the first 3 games had obvious cheaters in them, the second two games i was fine in my lane, winning fights and avoiding ganks, while the rest of my entire team was like half the souls of the other team. Game is fun when the matches are even remotely balanced, but this... this isnt fun at all.
Had an extreme game where we had no chance at all I was random. 1732314265128.jpeg
Had another where I played and the other people seemed very lower skilled in the opposite direction and almost silly. I was letting it continue to have fun.

Felt very strange.