Bad Matchmaking Thread

Hi, basically I've been playing exclusively competitive selection lately and there I was ranked Ascedant 3-4, after the first ranking shift I was ranked Phantom 6 and the games were basically the same, but lo and behold after the last update my ranking for some reason became Phantom 2 and now I'm playing in oracle-phantom lobby. Although all the time before that I was playing on ascedants. Could you please answer on what principle this selection and determination of rating works in general. After I was thrown to 2 phantom I won 4 games in a row and did not rise.

Vindicta completely tore us apart, 2k souls/min, 36 kills. According to her own statement she was phantom. I am ritualist 4, my friends are even worse. We are talking about Top 10% player vs bottom 30% player. How can this happen?
in the 3 months ive played ive never experienced worse matchmaking, literally randomly shuffled lobbies from eternus to literally oracle all in one lobby like wtf are these devs actually smoking. This changes last patch where they removed ranked and put everyone into a random mmr that comes out of nowhere made the game unplayable for me the entire fun of getting tryhard competitive lobbies is just gone.1732326075683.png1732326114184.png1732326068326.png
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ID: 28742999


Since the matchmaking update (merging normal and ranked games), most of my matches look like this. Huge difference in skill on both teams.
Before in ranked queues, games felt more balanced, while normal games were more like coinflips. Since the update, I often see some people that are way below skill level of the others - in both teams - that are dying very often and are gaining 500-700 souls/min which is pretty low in comparison to the average soul gain.
Match: 28750283
Match: 28748024

Their Bebop absolutely crushed us, and every single lane on my team lost. I have played with Ducc many times in the past and I can keep up in Phantom/Oracle lobbies. But this Bebop must have previously been Ascendent or something. I was struggling and so was the rest of my team.
Match 28747838 Absolutely absurd draft. The fact that we were even close to winning shows just how big of a skill gap there was between teams. Add a pick ban system to keep the game alive. 1732335123436.png
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ID: 28756860
ID: 28753531
ID: 28534390
A few very recent examples of very bad matchmaking, not sure if im just insanely unlucky, but the matchmaking overall appears to be very bad, as ive been on a several day long string of games like this, where either my team gets a total of 30 kills and wins by a landslide, with the enemy barely touching even our walkers, or the exact opposite happening. I haven't played an actually even game in a very long time.

I laned against warden and we got destroyed and just 3 games ago (ID 28742181) I laned against a yamato that seemed like he was new to the game.

warden doesnt even buy boots, yamato just holding w into guardians and when he dies from enemies coming to defend he says where are the callouts

Shiv with 13 deaths game ended in 22 minutes 54k soul difference
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28652846 - 51.5k soul seven with 0 objective damage. Really fun. Vindicta also blatantly toggling aim.
28654799 - Team getting fucked by a Vindicta blatantly aimbotting. Funny enough the guy on Vindicta in the game above proceeds to do absolutely nothing this game because he was called out in the last one. 30k damage 19-0 vindicta 15m game.

Before this patch I didn't get cheaters. This was back to back.
28775490: My blue lane ended the game with a combined KDA of 1/23/11, lost their guardian before 6 minutes, and was down 4k souls at 9 minutes. Our best-performing lane was down 800 souls at 9. We lost at 28 minutes, with our only objectives taken being 3 T1 guardians.
28779443: Our Ivy left the game after dying 4 times in the first 9 minutes with 1100 damage dealt. My other lanes were down 900, 5k, and 1.8k souls at 9 minutes. We took two T1 guardians before everyone left at 17 minutes, having lost three sets of base guardians.
Performance based mmr needs to come back for this reason:
28777819 (i literally win vs a cheater)

I have no business playing vs these players, I get acccused of cheating often and it's not fun for me nor is it fun for opponents. Clearly there is no performance based mmr because I can hardcarry wins and stay playing vs lower level players. FYI, I have another account that was eternus rank before the rank reset. I am good enough to carry eternus lobbies yet I am consistently playing vs phantoms and under? It's really frustrating. Ranked needs to come back or performance based mmr needs to come back. Before you write this off as tilt or whatever, whoever is reading this should check my match history and see consistent carry games, topping or doing second most in objective damage or damage whenever I get Vindicta.

Also, character based mmr is really off, my Infernus winrate is REALLY low, I am not good at the character at all, I just played a bunch of Infernus for fun. Yet it shows a green arrow for matchmaking?