Bad Matchmaking Thread


This is getting bad. 5th lost match in a row with ZERO chance of a win due to a Graytalon "trying something new." I have so many hours in this game I thought we were done getting players "Trying a new hero"

After the last patch, matchmaking is absolutely horrible. Getting matched with people who have never played the game, and enemy team seem to be playing in tournaments.
I have two games, both with teammates that are much newer to the game (40 hours vs my almost 400) or should have much lower skill rating (one didn't even know how to pronounce Archon). In the first game my teammates gave up 13 minutes in deciding it was a lost cause, in the second game the whole team kept feeding the other team. I've been having this issue for like a month now where any game I play without queuing with my Phantom+ friends isn't fun, because I get terrible teammates every single game. I decided not to even bother with ranked when it gave me Archon, and now that every game is ranked, every game is terrible for me to play.
skill gap between team is ridicolous, matchmaking isnt working

game after that, absurd skill gap again, abrams feeding 4 kills in 2 minutes, game unrecoverable.
every solo queue game is like this, a complete coin toss
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Seven and Talon seem to have been newer players, it might have been Talons first game ever. They were rarely at team fights, so it was usually 4v6. I guess MMR tried to "balance" with Kelvin and Mcg, but that didn't work. Quite exasperating.
In my team only i have 70l plus damage, others was just feeding the enemies all matches. Except mb Seven.

Oponents have 3 players 70k damge.

In this situation why my rang was lowered?

I made everything possible from my side. Still the game lowered my rang even if I was trying hard.

Where is the logic? I play solo with random teams and if the matchmaker make the teams so uneven why my rang also lowering?


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We need casual and ranked back. Yeah maybe i'm bad on new character bad atleast know about macrogame. Teammates can do 2 things farm and fed. Sometimes they just push with urn solo in 4 guys, while half our team is dead, or calls mid boss while loosing lanes and enemy with stan is alive. i'm ready to wait 5-15mins for a ranked game.
MATCHID: 28835342
Not only was there a bug where our infernus ended up stuck inside the teleporter for the first 7 minutes of the game but the K/D range here is insane
28832051 absolute stomp, 20k difference by 10 min
28834835 was a stomp teammates just seem to run one by one to die
28824058 by fifteen minutes their was a 20k difference
28827139 there was no communication with a vindicta that pushed up solo and died multiple times
Brand new teammates who completely squander my early game ganks and an Abrams who gets shit on in lane but wins anyway due to said bad team and the usual laying on Q. Nerf Abrams or at least fix this dogshit mm.
EU late evening game but that was miserable for the enemy, ivy was the only one that felt like they were in the right lobby, i had the mm solo convar enabled, so i dont think she could've been in a party with someone. Match would've ended at minute 15 if not for the new anti ending mechanics with patron