Bad Matchmaking Thread

28868866 Seven and Bebob both died approximately 10 times in the first ten minutes, ending the game 0-21-5 and 0-24-4 respectively, dramatically behind at player and object damage as well. The Haze they laned against went 32-7-18; their duo pocket also did very well.
I know this is meant to be a bad matchmaking thread but the matchmaking seems to be a lot fairer now. My games are all significantly longer (30-40min games) and I haven't had a single stomp yet. I still get the random Eternus 4 in the lobby, but it appeared he was balanced out with an Ascendant 4 player. Overall, 10/10 changes so far.
You still haven't taken down that seven video which ruined thousands of people's games for weeks. Your opinion is moot after over a hundred people have said their MMR experience is dogshit now

And it would be great for Valve to clarify how long an ideal match should be. If matches are supposed to go to 40 minutes regularly, this isn't the game for me period, and I'd like to not waste any more time on it.

25 minute ideal game? That's the sweet spot
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Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
This new update is........awful.

Good job! You made me figure out how to get to the forums and give feedback.

There is literally nothing good that you've changed.

Let me be more specific.

1) The voices -- Making it a monotone no life robot deflates the game and makes it feel truly "one sided" --- which may be an apt metaphor for the changes to this update. Bring bad the "sides" --- another metaphor.

2) The urn -- make it a run -- make it a team choice -- make it a fight --- having it given to the winning team makes it snowball too fast.

3) The unranked and ranked shouldn't be put together. The more options the better.

Everything you did made this game so much less enjoyable. Everything. Literally nothing you did in this update is good. Please, bring back old deadlock.

I hate this game now.
A few extremely rough games since the ranked/unranked change. It's pretty evident to me that the urn experimental change favors the winning team pretty heavily, since they're usually controlling mid. Healing changes don't feel like they've made the game more fun either, it feels like teamfights are over way quicker and it's nearly impossible to get any actual supporting done with Ivy.
i had a 56% wr before update and ive lost 12/14 since the update. most games are complete stomp elo diffs. team mates who have no idea what to build, or follow the built in build guides vs players buying hard counter items and rolling the game in 20 mins. 3-4 20 min losses where there was 0 chance. since theres no draft, it seems like no matter what I play the enemy team ALWAYS has the hard counter. and the enemy team ALWAYS has either moe and haze or abrams and haze. no counter to any of the 3 btw. no wards for haze, no true shot for evasion, no counter to shoulder charge melee lifesteal even if you have healbane toxic, no counter to early scorn sand blast. almost every game has an insane haze or yamato that just rolls the lobby like its not even remotely competitive. this is BY FAR the worst update since I got the game a few months ago. 500 hours played and my last 5-6 hours are EASILY the worst. a few match id's

28819483 28816872 (same haze in both)
28748422 (abrams wraith fed all game, avoided team fights unless they were together dying to 4-5 without team)
28646888 (kelvin 13-0-10 mirage 10-0-8 game score 44-11)
28576513 (shiv 15-1-8 talon 12-1-14 yamato 8-0-18 game score 47-16)
This update has probably been the most harrowing and unfun experience I've had so far. I've been playing for ~5hrs and had fun for maybe 10 minutes. I don't think that mixing casual and competitive players was a good idea, because it's a coin toss whether your team gets the players that actually try or just want to chill out.

Check out 28886731 where we had to play against a Haze literally named "smurf" with a 50k soul lead. Nothing we could do about it because only one person was on mic and coordinating.

Since the removal of ranked the match quality has gone down significantly when playing with friends. Stomp or be stomped, there is no in between.
Its enough to make me want to quit the game for now unfortunately
Just wanted to say, this update has been great. Many more good games and it addressed a lot of the issues i was seeing with secondary characters.

The urn changes though, that placement is just a snowball machine.
game lost after 7 minutes, 50k souls diff at 20min.
Bebop was feeding to opponents WAY better than him. The only logical reason i can find is that Ivy was smurfing, otherwise matchmaking is in real terrible shape.

I really hope it's people abusing the system and forcing mismatches, cause the other explanation is very grim

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Match id: 28911049
Almost 70k souls diff, archon lobby. I could not esitmate each player's rank after update since it has been stopped showing after this update

Deadlock Screenshot 2024.11.24 -
Since the removal of ranked, what ever you did with the matchmaking, completly destroy it. 3 rounds complete garbage match up.
In this one we had a 24 0 Yamato that came of her lane with 11 0.
Match ID: 28920409

It seemed like our team was all solo-queue and the enemy team was a 4 or 5 stack. Lost every lane, badly. There was also some bad toxicity on our side, so that's a factor as well.
Match 28923836

I was completely destroying the Seven in my lane. However it feels like every other lane got completely stomped and they massively fed the enemy team so when the laning phase was over, even though their Seven had fed me I couldn't do anything against 5 other super fed players.

Our team's average souls was around 15k (I was 22k at the end) while the enemy team's average was more around 25k. The match was also stupidly short at 23 minutes. Just terribly mismatched. Awful.