Bad Matchmaking Thread

First game of the new patch:

My full team said they were emissary players (I'm Archon historically)

-top farm as dynamo 2-3k ahead of teammates in the first 10 min

- 2 abandons on my team because they complained that the enemy team was grouping and coordinated.

I just checked my ranking and You moved me from Archon IV to Emissary 3. So this is my player quality now? Ive never ONCE had an abandon in Archon ranked. not even one single time.

Valve just absolutely nuked the quality of player pool I get to match with.

with 400+ hours on record I'm playing with some folk with not even 100. Thanks Valve.

This new matchmaking and removal of ranked has led to nothing but horrendous games. Please separate the queues again, this is bordering on unplayable.
Literally never played ranked before and I'm placed into Ritualist 4, first Haze game in a while and I'm rusty, team expected me to play like I do it for a living. I just wanted to chill but everyone in VC is blaming someone else and none of us are satisfied. Ranked players wanna play competitively and casuals like me wanna not get yelled at the whole time, so merging the queues is a massive deal breaker. Hope it gets reversed.
Making low prio require wins to leave it is one of the most idiotic things you could have done, take a good look at this thread and see how many unbalanced matches are, if people know they cant win they just give up and sit in base, is not enough to have the toxicity this genre already has, now we are FORCED to win. this will only increase frustration to ridiculous levels, players are already being punished by being in low priority, are they supposed to just stay there forever now? is not enough to spend 20 minutes looking for a match, or being banned from queuing, no, they have to roll the dice and play 20-30 matches to maybe win.

I may remind you, a lot of people experience bad performance which make games unplayable or just straight up crash and get flagged afk.
Straight up believe this change to merge competitive and casual queue was a maaaaassive mistake. The game I just played, 28646489, has got to be the worst this game has ever felt for me in either mode. Aside from the fact that this new matchmaking system gave the enemy team like all of the good heros, I felt like I was thrust into the sweatiest game of Deadlock when I just wanted to chill out and goof off.

I personally feel like "Casual" Deadlock should feel distinct from "Competitive" Deadlock, and merging the two means people will have vastly different expectations of how they want to play. Whenever I joined competitive queue, it was always pretty even with people being respectful and attentive, and casual was more for screwing around for fun. Now, we have this amalgamation of the two and it just feels really awkward.

I knew I was going to be unfavored in my lane, but I didn't realize that my entire team was going to be unfavored against the enemy team. I never felt like we had a chance to come back at all.

An exasperating Casual vs. Ranked game. Also being solo as Ivy is so shit. Really only have 2 abilities that are useful for soloing which gives literally every other hero an advantage. It really sucked, and was not fun at all.

I was having really good games today before you all decided, for some reason, to make everything ranked. Then the match quality went to zero, again... it's so tiring. I kind of wish I was never invited to this game.
So by merging both ranked and casual you guys some how excuse my language but fucked the matchmaking even more. Honestly done with this game out of 20 games i play i lost all of them. They were not close games just full on stomps and this is coming from playing in oracle and phantom ranks. Extremely disappointed how with this many complaints about matchmaking you managed to make it worse. Its fustrating playing multiple games losing by the 30min mark with a diffecent of 40-70k, like holy shit by the 15min mark no one on the teams wants to give a fuck and try. The match making was great almost 2 months ago and is now a mess.20241122001940_1.jpg
Merging normal and matchmaking games was the worst decision ever. I am not playing with players who literally say 'my first game on this hero' in ranked. What the fuck?
I consistently get lobbies like this where the enemy team has ascendants and I have an archon or oracle players on my team. these people cannot compete with ascendants. Its like the game forces me to have confirmed losses, especially after I go on a win streak. After a win streak my enemies don't get harder my teammates usually just get a lot worse. which is weird. I would rather wait longer and be put in a quality lobby than to keep seeing archons and low oracle in my games. it's not fun for them cause they get destroyed and its not fun for me because im being force fed a loss.
if you go through my account you will see a myriad of unbalanced teams/games wether it was win or loss.
match id:28646812
after this update the match quality is absolute garbage
two games today and both were hard stomps where we got matched against players that are way higher than us:

theres no way at the moment to learn new heroes this way when you always get stomped, ranked mode needs to come back or else there will be no casual matchmaking anymore