Bad Matchmaking Thread


Wow, what an amazing badge update is that) My team that dont understand whats happening in game and enemy team just stomping! Amazing gaiming expirience! Keep ti up! That update is absolute joke

It's very obvious that Amber exploits the party matchmaker to get games to their favor, or your matchmaker doesn't work. Either start making the skill distribution to make this impossible or don't even bother releasing the game.

Take your pick. Call it frivolous reporting all you want, but I am going to start reporting these teams for cheating. It's very obvious they're exploiting the system to their favor and I'm fucking tired of it.

disgusting game, i cant even comprehend how something like thjis is achievable

game right after, 1 leaver one feeder, skills gaps all over the place

game after that, played 2v5

game after that, still unbalanced

game after that, completely unbalanced making one dude quit, game laster 19min, 10 of which 5v6

game after that, again completely unbalanced
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Maybe the worst game I´ve ever had, and I never had a reason to report something like this at all... But this one was just bad, it ended in 19th minute with a 50k souls lead. Two of my teammates (Haze and Seven) fed their lane so much that at 10th minute we were locked at our base, unable to unlock even the first flex slot.

After this match, I have really considered quitting for good after 230 hours spent in this game. I can play as much as 2 ranked games a day (because it ends at 9pm), but now I´m disgusted and questioning myself and my time with Deadlock in the future.
Just leave the matchmaking alogrithm as it is and I guarantee you that this game is gonna bomb.
Every game is the same. Every game is an uphill battle from the beginning where every lane is lost, where we fight an uphill battle from the beginning. It cant be so hard to let people drop a few imaginary rank points in unrated until they are put up against people of their skill. I could argue about items or abilities with people - but the matchmaking HAS to be fair.
Match ID 28530342

Team seemed to be totally outclassed on all other lanes - mine went pretty even but teammates were severely behind by about 10 minutes. End game soul gap of 50k which seems a bit ridiculous.
Yeah well you matched 3 tanks on a team together against our lineup.... Until you add draft to ranked its a joke. Might as well reset everyone's stats when the game officially drops because this RNG lineup is comical from a AAA studio.

Standard. Enemy team, or at least half of them, were way too coordinated and individually skilled for this to be anything but a steamroll. We were basically toyed with and spawn camped at the end without even finishing the patron properly.

Screenshot 2024-11-21 024127.png
As some background, I've been grinding Deadlock almost daily since I got it around August 25th, with friends at times as well as solo ranked and unranked at with over 140 hours at the time of writing. I have concerns about how Ranked system is currently and how it is currently not working as intended for me and a lot of other mutuals that I know well. I intend to prove this objectively with metrics, match IDs and facts rather than just our opinions.

I feel that even though I disagree with some character philosophies of being good all game (current McGinnis and Infernus, old Shiv) instead of having their own niches in the game (Abrams early-mid, Kelvin Mid-Late, Warden Late), overall you devs as a dev team have done a great job on balancing the characters in a positive trendline, especially in the last two weeks.

The ranked system however has been tested extensively and it has provided too much variance in matchups. You will commonly get lobbies in ranked with people from Initiate all the way through Alchemist and sometimes even Archon. Deadlock is a Third-Person Shooter but primarily works on MOBA mechanics so it's not feasible to solo-carry every game like other games especially in a Solo Ranked mode where there is no guarantee your teammates will work together or even communicate. As such, why is there an overly high emphasis on K/D/A and Player damage which are rather risky, rather the potential of properly learning game mechanics and the map and how to most efficiently become strong every game with the Map rather than risk dying and feeding the enemy team precious souls and waves of creeps. FredTheFinch has made a groundbreaking video on this core Deadlock idealogy (linked below).

As such, I've played games from Initiate to Oracle rank, how can this be the the case from the very bottom of the ranks to near the top? I've also tried to consistently perform and carry getting between 1st - 3rd on Deadlock's objective metrics every ranked game in terms of souls (MVPs and trying to get as many objectives as possible) and almost always KDA too. I've played a variety of characters too from Abrams, Wraith and Seven very frequently to show depth of understanding of game mechanics. Here are some matches showing proof of stark rank disparity going on in Deadlock for me:

Match IDs:
24570221 - Initiate V
24432001 - Arcanist I
24243961 - Arcanist V (with Archon IV player)
23999213 - Emissary IV (with Oracle and Phantom players)
22126157 - Archon III (with 4 Phantom and Oracle players)

How can one person queue into so many different ranks and still play fine / elevate to the level of the game? Well for me the case was that I play often as a In-Game Leader (IGL) role and am usually the one who is giving the most comms while trying to elevate the level of my team. I also get better experiences with this playstyle with better players as they show better team skill, and perform better with communication, but regardless of performing, I got punished unequivocally hard for my losses since we couldn't clench many games in the solo Ranked game mode regardless of the fact that I usually performed even in the higher rank games. And this is the case with a lot of a lot of my friends as well, that have their suspicions and concerns with the rank system. So for these above reasons, I believe I and many others definitely shouldn't be in the very bottom rank bracket of Initiate as I have shown I can perform in some of the highest echelons of the ranks such as Archon - Phantom, as well as, the issues that a lot of the community is facing, especially given our experience and game knowledge at this point in the game. Hope this helps cater and better the ranking system.

Thanks for listening to me and my teams concerns, and I hope it can help your team because I REALLY DO BELIEVE THIS GAME HAS SOMETHING SPECIAL. I also would like to emphasise and appreciate how much your dev team has listened to and improved on feedback, which is not something that every game's dev team does which has ruined a lot of games' balance. Feel free to write me back if you felt I brought some insight and keep me updated.

With Best Regards,

Some videos that I think adds context on this matter is this:
The SAD TRUTH About Deadlock's Ranked System by ottr
How to Have the MOST Souls in EVERY Game by FredTheFinch
I don't know how accurate it is in the back end, but Ottr video's conclusion resonates so hard

tl;dr Rather than making games that feel even, the matchmaker seems to be trying to make us all have an 50/50 average win rate.

So we all take turns stomping each other, rather than being matched into viable lobbies.