Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 28546986
They were base diving us at 16 minutes. 50K difference at 14 minues. Ended at 19 minues. Just an epic disaster of a game. Matchmakerd just dosent give a fuck apparently. Our 6 kills to 37 really shows how stupid this was
Match 28548399
3 games tonite = 3 completely one sided stomps. I havernt even seen the opposite side of the base. Throw away the code and start over.
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Match 28550385

My 3 stack fought the SAME 6 stack that completely dominated us, two games in a row?

Guys, why are we fighting *extremely* coordinated 6-stacks? A 3 stack should never be facing a 6-stack.
If I'm being honest, the games over the entire past month have been completely miserable.