Bad Matchmaking Thread

Why is ranked putting uncalibrated people who can't play in top 5% matches? They are either smurfs or useless, there's never inbetween. Or even straight feeding. High ranked should be earned with playing, not accessible by every level 1 steam account. Absolutely ridiculous. It no wonder the player base is dying. The game doesn't punish bad behavior. Valve has been aware of these issues for every multiplayer game they've made, and keep making the same mistakes.

Used to win games majority of the time but its been like a week on an infinite loss streak. I play with a friend and we always win our lane or are the last ones with our guardian still up. Teammates never do objectives or don't even bother to defend our walkers so me and my duo find ourselves constantly running from lane to lane trying to defend. Really feels like i'm playing a 2v6. We get haze, wraith and bebop users who go the entire game without a single kill and 10+ deaths. What happened? Feels like i'm playing with people more clueless than bots.

Standard unranked match
- 102k souls vs. 24k
- Opponents did not get a single objective
- Enemy team only got 1 kill, as opposed to our 31
- Opponents lost every lane by a large amount

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Couldn't agree more. Matchmaking has been get rolled or be the one rolling. Never anything inbetween.
So I've tried to be a bit more open minded recently as I noticed that you have removed the "high skill difference" warning in parties, and I was thinking something was fixed. However, tonight confirms that matchmaking remains a real pain point for this game and is desperate need of attention. Getting a somewhat even match where plays actually matter is a real rarity these days. The stomps appear to be in either direction.

More oddly, recently (last 3 days or so), I have noticed that the game is match making my brother and I into very high end lobbies, despite the fact it is evident neither of us belong there. We do not have ranks anywhere near the people in these lobbies. My brother is unranked, and my rank when I last bothered obtaining is Archon 5. Yet we have been placed into casual games against high Phantoms, and today even a lobby where some opposing players are Ascendant rank. This is atrocious, and has pretty much destroyed any game play experience these last few days.

Game ID:

28313596. A complete and utter stomp, very apparent we don't belong there. We were decimated with little chance.
27937183. Same as above.

27813032. A complete and utter stomp, but the other way. The enemy team were squashed.
27809284. Same as above, enemy team completely squashed and didn't stand a chance.

These are just some examples I have noted but there are other games, again going both ways.

Please can there be some public comms about the state of match making, just so we know what the Dev team thoughts are, particularly with the evidence you are able to assess? A game where it is even on both sides and the skill bracket doesn't feel at a crazy differential is becoming exceedingly rare. I appreciate you and the team are busy with a huge pipeline of things, but match making is pivotal to a game of this nature, and it feels as if it has been completely out of tune since ranked was launched several weeks ago.

I am curious to know if the dev team are in agreement this is currently a broken system?
Just want to validate what you're saying even if they wont. I feel like there are long stretches where I am fed to the highest elo lobbies with ascendants and phantoms and despite my now negative win rate and on a loss streak there is no abatement, just game after game of being raked over the coals. There is something undeniably defective with this iteration of matchmaking and it started 12 days ago.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
its just a gamble playing with the current mmr. You either stomp or get stomped. ZERO IN BETWEEN. Both in ranked and unranked. I don't know how aware the devs are of this issue but I've never seen a game with this many issues regarding matchmaking and while it's in Alpha or Beta or whatever they need to fix this for sure because it's miserable. Getting put with crap teammates every game and ALWAYS having to be the carry is lame.
These are consecutive games, 2 days ago

Unranked, Duo queue, 65% winrate, 220+ games played.

28061260 - 24 minutes game 55k souls difference
28058184 - 21 minutes game, 52k souls difference
28054906 - 25 minutes game 47k souls difference

non-consecutive / outliers / mix of duo/trio/quad-queue

28300350 - 25 minutes game, 26k souls difference, but felt worse
27790820 - 19 minutes game, 49k souls difference
27680103 - 20 minutes game, only 22k difference but felt worse
25653360 - 22 minutes game, 50k souls difference

6 stack - low sample size, huge skill gaps in every game, souls gap not huge showing due to 1/2 players on one team being entirely new

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help

Honestly dont even know if its MM or just how the game plays RN but it's un-fun.