Bad Matchmaking Thread

Every game from 10/4. Pretty much every game consisted me being the only "gold" player according to tracklock with nothing but silvers and bronzes on my team against a full team of golds and plats.

Unsure if this would count (if I understood the starting post correctly): 20422028

Every lane got absolutely stomped with no chance of recovery, one of the enemies were up over 30k souls than the rest of us on our team (although suspected cheater too). Game lasted around 20 minutes and there was no chance of recovery.

Both matches had Vindictas and especially Hazes which played far above our skill level.
I was the 0-10 Abrams, put in a lane with the sweatiest McGinnis I've ever seen. I'm not that good of a player, and it was only my fifth match as Abrams.
20429332 : 70k soul difference in a 27 minute match. Was actually more enjoyable than the rest of the matches today, but still I had the most souls of my team and was only 6th in the ranking. Normally other team members have more souls, and I am in the top 3 of soul earners.

Glaring imbalance for both sides. My team has newbies. Had a Dynamo fill all of their slots with 500 items for the longest time.
1. I had lash low prio with many characters im worse at higher (leading me to believe i was put on a character im better at so i can be put with worse players which are more in abundance) 17667451
2. I believe there used to be hero based mmr but in games like this i think its bugged or removed? Second game on bebop with newer teammates but seemingly higher skill enemies. 14958503
Match ID: 20429421 - Other team completely wiped us. over 70K soul lead

Match ID:21534519 - Lost in less than 20 minutes. Team K/D: 3-42
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game was basically over at 3 minutes in. our team wholesale lost 3 guardians immediately fed multiple kills and my solo lane was against three enemies with double my souls for the entire laning phase.

What's frustrating is the enemy team wasn't even that good either with a little more space I could have carried out of that game but we lost too fast.
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Match ID 20438652

Felt like Infernus, Yamato, and Lady Geist were significantly better than everyone else in the lobby.
Match ID: 20349489

The most imbalanced match I've ever played. Solo queue'd and our entire team (including myself of course) got steamrolled. 82k - 142k networth, 5 kills - 34 kills

Allowing 4 stacks to queue like this and then even lane vs solo queuers is bad.
Match: 20438438
Nearly the same situation, you allow a 4 stack to play against solo players and you also let them dual lane against random solo players. The only way this would be "fair" is if the stacks are worse than the solo players you put them against, but that's not even close to being the case here.