Bad Matchmaking Thread

20404635 kelvin and haze had no idea what was going on, maybe infernus too, enemy team? they know when to group and take rejuv, they cast spells and do stuff.​


Match 20407122: My teammates died really quick during the first 3 min, deffending the base went kinda smoothly but the enemy team failed partly to kill us it was really weird. When whe pushed them out of the base Yamato started to call to go mid which made absolute no sense since they all respawned and wrecked us again
Match ID: 20408405 - Dyanmo and Paradox matched up against Seven and Lady Geist, one of the most imbalanced matchups I've ever witnessed.
my pocket/visc/geis were brand new it appeared, i have 500 games played


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match id 20418013
Three of sapphire players were very new to the game, which was a very one-sided stomp. The lane of Ivy+McGinnis was very one-sided which snowballed into a victory.
Match ID: 20409945
Sapphire (my team) trounced Amber pretty bad in this game. Game ended at 20:17 with Sapphire up 140k to 73k souls and 37 kills to 5, we just really ran away with it.

Don't know what was going on for the other lanes, but I know the Pocket in my lane (I was Ivy) managed to secure a kill on me pre-10min and then managed to fall BEHIND me by 2k souls shortly after. He would walk into kudzu, was always exposed, would hang around on low HP instead of backing. I kept thinking he was baiting me into a fight or gank but he was actually just really aggro and as soon as I got the soul lead he couldn't do anything.

We rolled them so hard at the end that McGinnis actually told everyone to post the match on this thread.
ID 20417733 literally 3 people on my team had 0 kills all game, I got hard steamrolled by McGinnis 3-0 in lane, they ended up with a 50k soul lead, could've finished even earlier but their McGinnis started hard trolling
was stated that kelvin just started playing.
I have 345 matches played. 75 games with haze and a 65% win rate with haze.
The Kelvin and abrams who just started died 12 times combined in 6 min. Am I expected to carry hard? I couldn't even get going on haze to do nothing because they took lanes so fast and kept killing my team over and over
Edit:345 matches played not 350

20418912 : Skill of the other team was much higher than that of mine; 30k delta in a 20 minute match.

20368513 : the soul difference wasn't that high, but I felt like they did better than us, especially because they still easily won after one of their team left. So a 6v5 for my team, but in the souls individual graph there is no sign of one of them leaving, like I was used to in the majority of my other games.
A lot of my matches lately have felt pretty insanely 1 sided

4 most recent matches
20409659 all lanes lost, first time? GT 0 obj dmg
20397590 all lanes lost, 0-8 0-15 0-7 0-11 at 20 min
20387989 first time mirage but duo'ed i think, still stomp

19964829 WORST ONE by far. My first time yamato, our team had Wraith Haze Vindicta Infernus somehow, while the other team had kelvin bebop lash abrams dynamo. i dont know how this is allowed honestly, most egregious team composition imbalance ive ever seen. needless to say every lane was quickly lost, we had no room to do anything, and quick 20 min gg.1728157581688.png