Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 20349489

The most imbalanced match I've ever played. Solo queue'd and our entire team (including myself of course) got steamrolled. 82k - 142k networth, 5 kills - 34 kills

Allowing 4 stacks to queue like this and then even lane vs solo queuers is bad.

Huge gap in skill with my allies compared to enemies. Had an ally who didn't build a single green or purple item all game. Attached is his inventory at 33 mins. I legit could not tell if he was griefing or super new. Either way, matchmaking has huge stinkers like this from time to time.


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20345756, wraith and seven both had around 20 deaths (the others had around 5-10) and 1-2 kills and were behind their team by a lot in terms of souls
20356704 - Despite having a team that should've been able to hold the line pretty well in the early game, Amber was absolutely rolled over in 22:34, with a score difference of 149k - 109k. The kill difference per team was a whopping 44-9, with Amber only managing to get those last three kills in their own base because Sapphire had been pushing so hard that most of them were sitting on roughly one un-purchased t4 worth of souls per person during the push.
18560421 - 16:34 length, huge difference in kills and souls between players on the Amber Hand and Sapphire Flame.
19067908 - 21:48 length, same reason as above where a huge gap was created between teams.
19770464 - 19:09 length, same reason as above.
16905053 - 31:01 length, same reason as above.
19107479 - 37:01 length, and while not as drastic as the prior four, there was still a noticeable difference between the lowest Sapphire player and lowest Amber player.
18177346 - 44:10 length, Sapphire Flame Wraith leagues ahead of her team leading to a massive difference in kills.
18000492 - 33:25 length, the Sapphire McGinnis just didn't belong in this match, going 0-15 by the end.
20348005 - 41:07 length, and although it felt relatively even towards the beginning, it spiraled out of control with a Sapphire Bebop and Shiv that completely dominated the match and couldn't be stopped even with coordinated pushes. The 0-10 Amber Geist is also worth noting.
The game ended really quickly with a 74K soul difference, Amber Hand had 3 deaths and Sapphire Flame had 42 in 22 minutes
20356258 - McGinnis and Vindicta entered the game for the first time. Their playing time is 1 hour, mine is 100
19875461: Two clearly "new" players in my team in a duo lane got stomped, ending with 14 deaths each and little to no damage, while in the enemy everyone was doing fine/ok
18991972: Stomped hard by two players with more than 110k damage each while the biggest damage in my team are 62k
17886810: All the lanes lost, nothing to do to cacth up since they almost all got a lot more souls than us, way too one sided without issue, frustrating
Fast stomp, i guess character mmr isn't worked there as intended, me and my teammates were playing characters for first-second time, except for one teammate, while there were opponents who knew game really good. 65k souls difference at the end (y) 20241006021740_1.jpg
Match ID: 20372815

out played both enemy players in my lane, took them both out, the infernus i was put in lane with just fed and fed, only person on my team to get any kills, enemy team had all guardians and walkers by 12 minutes, pushing into base and won.
20356744 - Queued with 2 friends in the Oceania region, got 3 randoms on our team who are probably playing their first 20 games when our 3 stack has around 500 games played collectively. Two of the randoms got 0 kills.
19800533: Game only lasted 19 minutes, two of my teammates seemingly had never played the game before despite me and my friend both having ~50 hours played. This game more than any I've played felt super oppressive as it felt like we were playing against a full 6-stack with the level of coordination they had compared to our team. We only killed one guardian the whole game.

For what it's worth, the matchmaking in general feels very bad right now. Pretty much every game I play one team or the other has at least one, if not multiple players who are evidently far below the skill level of the rest of the lobby. They will always drop a record in the range of 0-10 to 1-20 and have half the souls of everyone else in the game. (For example, 20152148)
20375963: Big difference in skill levels between teams, ended up losing with the enemy team having a 54k soul lead.
20372681 this one is a wierd one even tho dead even i think that hero/team balancing is really bad. sometimes you get a comp that does not do well against enemy.