Bad Matchmaking Thread

every lane besides mine lost in less than 2 min then 3 of my team died 4-5 times in less than 6 min. resulted in them feeding over and over
Match ID: 20373913
Enemy team won by 81k souls in 35 minutes and had a bad combination of characters (Haze, McGinnis, Abrams and Kelvin). My team could not do anything against them after the first 10 minutes. Ended up getting just destroyed by guns and couldn't get even close to hurting them.
MatchID: 20376550
In this match the Abrams player was clearly a new player evidenced by the fact he had no idea what to do when the rejuvinator dropped. He just stared at it, the question would be why is he in this match with people with hundreds of games?
match ID:
Our grey talon said this is his first game. There is no way he is in this lobby. The Haze probably does not belong to this lobby as well.
THANK YOU for finally addressing this. The biggest issue in this game is getting random feeders on your team where it seems like they've never played. I know you all implemented something where they need to play 5 games first, but it's not helping much.

20246627 - we had 5 stack and our 6th (seven) just kept running up lanes by himself feeding (lost by 60k souls)
20231264 - we had a 4 stack and somehow won. Our Vindicta (6/13) and Geist (1/11) kept feeding
19954861 - we won in 17 minutes with a 75k soul lead. Only 2 deaths on our team
19691275 - we were absolutely destroyed by the other team. only 1 kill each and lost by 70k souls
18815051 - we had a 4 stack and our 2 randoms (haze and geist) fed the other team
We played with a team of four, and each of us ended up on a different lane. It wasn’t the first game that turned out like that.

MatchID: 20385424

Super lopsided match. Enemy team ended up with 60,000 more souls. Had teammates who were completely clueless. They played like it was their first game.

Duo game. I'd say we're "decent to high" MMR.

Our lane was competitive largely, good back and forth. Green lane lost walker faster than I've ever seen. 0-13 Purple lane.

Game was incredibly toxic (starting from enemy team).

Ended 112k v 164k in 22min. Really no chance to turn it around.

We typically see these crazy unbalanced games when we queue with our bad friends, but this was wild to see in our duo that's been playing for a few months.
20180155 Huge soul lead for my team all game, a complete stomp
20184044 Mo&Krill completely destroyed the game, twice as many souls as everyone
20204364 Huge souls lead very early for the enemy team, a complete stomp
Four Matches linked below, first two are grouped as one.

I want to highlight this match & the next one specifically because these two represent a consistent problem I feel like matchmaking has.

1a. Oct 4th Match ID: 20219289
[Me (Mo & Krill) four-stacked with Wraith (equal skill to me) and Bebop & Abrams (newer, infrequent players)]1728148901788.png
1b. Oct 4th Match ID: 20247444
[Me (Mo & Krill) three-stacked with Seven (equal skill to me) and Viscous (newer, infrequent player)]
When queuing in a 3, 4, or 5 stack, for analogy sake: If two of us have a skill level of 7/10, and one or two of us has a skill level of 5/10, it feels like the random teammate(s) we get will be a 4/10 or 5/10, and the entire other team will range from 7/10-8/10, or essentially at our high-end level players, or better, with one maybe two players being around that 5/10-6/10, this seemingly feels on purpose to attempt to penalize queuing with people.

For these two match examples, in 1a the opposing Yamato, Infernus, Haze and Seven were insanely good, probably matching the skill of me and my party member Wraith in a normal game setting. The opposing team's McGinnis was average and comparable to my two other party members, Bebop & Abrams, and my random teammate Viscous. Their Shiv was not good at all, probably equivalent to my random teammate Vindicta (who was very toxic) however they did not get lane-matched together for some reason, when I think they should've.

For the second example 1b, this match was very odd, their Shiv, Infernus, Kelvin and Dynamo were extremely good and coordinating to the point where I assumed they were a 6-stack. Excluding my party of Seven, Viscous and I, our Wraith was good but selfish and baiting teammates, which is fine, his playstyle was bad but I could at least tell the skill was there, but our Ivy and Vindicta were awful in comparison.

This matchmaking leads to the highest skilled player in the Team-Up always having to attempt to hard carry, going against at least 3+ players of equal skill, and getting lower-skilled teammates outside of the party as a penalty.

Note: I'm not trying to blame teammates that are not myself or not in my party, the party is the dependent variable here, my critique is about the skill level of teammates we get in comparison to my party, along with our team's skill-level compared to the other team's.

2. Oct 1st Match ID: 19384223
[Me (Grey Talon) four-queued with, one of comparable skill (Warden) and two fairly new, infrequent players (Dynamo & Viscous)]
I think this is a good example of a frustratingly bad game.
  1. Me and Warden were pretty evenly matched in skill in our lane vs. Lady Geist and Mo & Krill. (We got off to a hot start but it didn't snowball harshly)
  2. The Wraith and Abrams we had were drastically lower in skill (compared to our 4-stack), along with the other team's Infernus and Shiv were comparably not as good. I think they should've been matched in lane against each other if that was the case.
  3. I don't think those 4 players should've been in our match at all.

3. Oct 2nd Match ID: 19611316
[Me (Abrams) duo-queued with Warden (equal skill-level as me)]
Huge stomp, not really sure what happened here. Could be an outlier, or an unlucky game.
20397757 - stomp from the enemy team, most lanes lost. 115k vs 170k @25
20391047 - the opposite, we stomped. 170k vs 120k @23

back to back
20399923: 4 players on my team were absolutely clueless about how to play the video game, they were unable to secure souls and were mostly lost in the map.


20410645: Only 1 player on the enemy team knew what he was doing.


20957931: Impossible to hard carry 2 beginners.

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Match ID: 20395794
Maybe I just had a good day, and I did exceptionally well. But I feel like the poor seven I got matched against didn't have as much experience with the game. Or any of the players to be honest. Also we had an AFK in the team.

ID 19813379: 11 mins match very onesided with 1 team kill to 13
ID 18671713: another very onesided match with a matchmaking party size of 5