Bad Matchmaking Thread


Basically we had a couple players who were totally out classed and clueless and was just picked apart, they shouldn't have been in our game because it was clear their skill level wasn't on everyone elses par and it made it an unfair game
20467549 all 5 just absolutely rolled us, snowball? but just seemed way better at everything
20462935 Absolutely rolled and felt truly helpless outclassed
20453070 Felt like enemy team was very bad, and clueless about what to do and play, very easy to win
20183222 - Leaver & imbalance [mainly mirage/mcguinness]
20457384 - Lane partner not shooting orbs at all, 0 comms
20464220 - I'm not sure if they were intentionally feeding/trolling or if this was real tbh. [teammates 1-10 / 0-12]
20474045 - There was a 0-14 haze that was absolutely clueless, eventually left.
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20468970 - complete domination by the other team. We got crushed in every lane and kept getting crushed until the end
19886578 - mix of very good and very bad players in the game. Very unfun to have such different skill levels
20138798 - guardians and walkers lost early
20160703 - we, sapphire, got far ahead and won with one man down
20471070 - the other team didn't know what they were doing

21004797 - with three players who looked new
21219177 - 4 players knowing what to do vs 4 players that got stomped
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Match ID: 20470317
Besides Lash/Mcginnis chain feeding 25 kills. This match up seems broken. The enemy team can clear our creep waves and have pushing lane advantage from the beginning. Should not have talon/vin on the same team. Should not have wraith/haze on the same team.
Match ID: 20469214

It felt like the entire time we had to continually defend because we were getting rolled
so we didn't have time to even farm to be on their level
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
  1. 20469835 Got destroyed by the other team
Match ID: 20464232 - 2\3 teams are beginners (gap in score 56k)
Match ID: 20400930 - 2\3 teams are beginners (gap in score 52k)
Match ID: 20326508 - full team are beginners (gap in score 71k)
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MatchID: 20474513

Team got steamrolled, 20 deaths before the 10 minute mark playing with people who said they only had 6 games. Laned against an unwinnable matchup against players who had over 100 games.
20475295: 3 stack with relatively low mmr matched in a game where it seemed like the entire enemy team was better and more cohesive, lost all our lanes.