Bad Matchmaking Thread

MatchID: 20473185

I have 180 hours of gameplay, now I don't wanna be rude, but I get matched with literally clueless people with less than half my hours...gets boring very fast. Enemies always play grouped up/together and seem smarter than my allies. At least 3 players here, if not more, did literally nothing except farming for 30 minutes

Another unwinnable game. Grey Talon and I eventually gave up trying to kill each other in lane but the rest were clueless and we couldn't leave lane. Comp diff'd and out classed. I legitimately think Mo was griefing due to building 0 armor, but I'll call it a bad matchmaker.

I'm duoing with Raven again here

Solo queue, very low MMR/rank.
Lash was an absolute monster in this game, definitely felt like he shouldnt't have been in here


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vfDyZFA.jpegMatch ID - 20479953

Our team was completely outclassed. Only my and my friend's lane (Viscous/Vindicta) had any success. Three of our teammates had 0 kills and 0 assists by the end of the match.
Got smoked in less than 15 minutes, we had minions in our base after 7 minutes. Souls were fairly even the whole time but clearly after the lane phase we were all overwhelmed.
20480301 - I tried communicating but my team completely ignored everything and/or just were way worse than the enemy team in terms of teamplay and simply skill level overall.

20492841 - Even worse than the match before. 2 teammates went 0/X/0, both with the lowest hero dmg on the deam, both with extremely low farm, didn't join a single teamfight, .
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Match 20083019

The game felt evenly matched across 11 of the players, but the Haze in this game was up over 25k souls on the second highest farm (80,793 vs. 54,633 on their own teammate). The game was 311k souls vs. 246k souls. While the soul differential was not surprising, it was surprising how much up on souls the Haze player was the entire game. There was not one point past maybe 6 minutes that the Haze did not jump out to a massive souls lead the entire game. This made me feel as though the Haze was significantly more experienced with this game than anyone else in the match and should probably have been matched with much higher competition than was available in this match.

One of the most egregious matches for me yet. Every single lane fed compeltely except for ours. Their shiv was an excellent player while we had brand new players with no macro sense at all. Incredibly unbalanced match. It actually put me and my duo off of deadlock for the day because it's so boring to be in a match where every single teammate is incompetent.

20487421 - Completely unbalanced matchmaking. Abrams had 8 deaths before 10 minutes from just charging in like he didn't know how to play the game. I was Geist and I shouldn't be matched with a team like this (Haze also appeared to be good). Definitely not balanced matchmaking.
Match IDs:

Both of these were pretty lopsided. In 20481334 there was probably a two-stack who was very new, I doubt they had a good time.
20486482: extremely lopsided, we had a 4 stack and their team seemed to have 4 new players so we ran them over in 20 minutes.
Match ID 20485870
another brand new player 35 minutes of the game 7k dmg first game and he is in my team i swear i get people like this every game