Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 26301210
Completely stomped from beginning to end. Meta team comp on the enemy team as ours was just randomly thown together. Two of the enemy team had player damage total our entire team. Why bother even matchmaking with this. 30k difference at 15 minutes
Match 26303416
This match should not have happened. Sapphire flame was vastly outclassed in every way. We couldn't even unlock a single flex slot.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help

match ID: 26307054

the main problem here is the support and tank distribution in my opinion. other players have also agreed most ranked games especially lower tiers (where a majority of the players probably are) the games are decided by who gets more tanks on there team.

too much players with obvious cheats right now like wh, no clip, auto aim and etc. In one game almost everyone sent report to this lowskill poor and cheating vendicta player and he did not turn to a frog like how it was designed. It`s sad cuz I was playing ranked and all. :cautious:
Match ID: 26307600 Split push Vindctia with her first team fight our matching of rotation at roughly 21 mins. Team lose a fight basically 5v2 at 30ish mins. I had to play through Ivy, Bebop after having killed Wraith before the fight started. After that Abrams was so free he rotated onto me.
match ID: 26307054

the main problem here is the support and tank distribution in my opinion. other players have also agreed most ranked games especially lower tiers (where a majority of the players probably are) the games are decided by who gets more tanks on there team.

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again we just lose cause they have more tanks than us and there is nothing you can do against that much sustain


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Match id: 26324130
Felt like my team got obliterated we had 0 chance no one knew what was going on i dont think they were supposed to be in this lobby.


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Match 26331505 - Time 19:20 - Victory Team Lead 39k - Three People on the Amber team went 1 - 11 or 0 - 7. Just kept running in over and over dying. Sapphire Team, way higher skilled and was, what I could argue, trolling Amber team and not ending the game farming Amber team for kills. Valve, you can't place new players again vets. You need to have a beginner's queue to help prevent this. This game wasn't flagged as a wide skill game match but it was worse than a wide skill game match.
26340842 match id Ranked

once again, unranked players need to stop being in games with others that have ranks. Two unranked players both 0 OBJ damage and no talking from them. Why is this not implemented like other games do? Its very simple to make a filter for it. Thank you and please