Playing in a 3-person party seems to result in much more difficult matchmaking than playing as a duo, with lopsided matches in either direction.
3 losses in a row as a trio, where my trio got at least top 3/4 for souls, but at least 2/3 randoms on our team were basically not playing the same game:
26178836 (highest player on our team had 49k, lowest had 24k at 34m)
26175480 (close loss)
26171475 (highest 51k, lowest 29k at 35m)
4 wins in a row as a duo, where we had significantly better teammates and had 3/4 lopsided games in our favor, and we did not get always get top souls:
26131214 (5/6 people on our team had more souls than anyone on the opposing team)
26127926 (total 129k-95k)
26126363 (7 minute game, one enemy rage quit a few minutes into laning after going 0-2)
26118576 (close win, playing off-main)
I feel like the head-to-heads for people in our party are often okay (with occasional stomps) going by laning stats, but the selection for people not in our party is all over the place. We frequently have people with 300+ hours and others with <30 hours in the same match - not to say that it always correlates to skill, but usually it's pretty clear when some players aren't aware of last hitting as a mechanic.