25981533 - Yup, it's me again. 21min loss - 2 guardians gone at 5 min [88k - 146k]
MMR hell, and it's just getting worse and worse. 9 in a row.
Still in a chill back and forth 1v1 lane phase at 6 mins in... aaaaaaand all of the other lanes are down all down a guardian, already losing a walker.
most of my games are in stacks of 4 or more. I would guess about than 95% of my games are with the same group of 5-7 others. It's really hard for me to believe that our skill levels are so drastically different that we can't get a good game. ever since the "wide skill group" matchmaking change, match quality has been terrible. it's so bad that I'm to the point where our options are to make alt accounts or just stop playing together. really hoping some changes come soon
Wide skill gap party - Bit of a skill disparity, easy win for us in the end, but more importantly we were once again placed on a different region server, this time into SCL region when we are all in NA.
72k souls to 135k souls 20 min game.
This is unranked but crazy skill diff.
Speaking to my team, at least three of us, including myself, are trying to learn new heroes (Lash, Ivy, McGinnis).
Going against two players who are most likely playing their main heroes going 11-1 and 19-5.
It could be a massive pain in the ass but having a skill rating per hero would definitely help fix this problem.
I may be Phantom 1 while playing Abrams but I'm probably Archanist on McGinnis with my 5 games played on her (139 on Abrams).
If something can't be done I feel that most players will either quit or make smurf accounts.
Poor matchmaking isn't always indicative though a stomp. This game was drawn out, but had a large difference in kills.
In this case, it's clear that my party of 2 was meant to carry the entire 4 other members of our team. The 4 other members of our team did not deserve to be placed against these higher skilled players. "High Skill Range Match" is not an excuse here. This was not a fun experience.
Entire enemy team could outheal anything we threw at them. Team consisting of McGinnis, Infernus, Warden, Yamato, Geist, and Shiv is extremely difficult to play against with arguably one "tanky" character, Kelvin.