Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 258248278

Haze felt genuinely new, like it was their fourth match or something, Shiv also looked a lot worse than he should be at this elo.

Haze managed to get back to the lane and die in *literally* less then 5 seconds, I don't even know how this is possible. She looked like she was lost and legitimately didn't know how to play the game, and I don't even blame her because it should be impossible to be this bad and end up at a match in this rank
25825119 - standard

all of our guardians, walkers, and shrines down by 15 minutes, for only one of theirs. They were 40k souls up and pushing us the whole time, and were by the end 11 kills to 44.
Got queued into a team full of abusive people on voice chat and then they mass reported me and I wind up with a 7 day ban after being harassed all game. Unban cheers.

My last 5 rankeds and yet my rank keeps staying pretty much the same. Could also post more examples. Gief higher lobbies plz.

Ranked. Decisive loss which is fine, but what felt imbalanced was playing against Talon and Vindicta in a duo lane. Felt like a losing uphill battle the whole game.
25845933 - Ranked
There have been stomps before in games, but I've never seen a stomp this bad.
Abrams claimed to have waited in a 30 minute queue as well to get this match.

Wide skill gap queue - somehow put us in AUS/OCE region server when none of my party is located there, all of us are in the US. Absolutely unplayable with 200ms ping.

Not even close match where my team had 0 chance of ever winning because the skill gap between teams was way too huge. Other team seemed to have a few level 0 private steam accounts that I would guess are smurfing. They purposely made the game take longer than it should have so that they could continue farming us, and the game was only 24 minutes long.

This game made me want to quit the game because it was so bad and futile with 0 hope. If games like this continue to happen, then I fear for the future of this game.
25842627 - Souls were even but it was a stomp from the beginning. We had no control at any point in the match. They could just walk in and were unkillable the whole game
25847406 - Another stomp where it felt like there was no map control at any point despite being even or up on souls
25861120 - Souls were even but the game wasn't even close
Brug, I don't know if there were hidden matchmaking tweaks in the recent patches or what but they have been sooo one-sided.
I'm Phantom 5 so I should see at least 1-2 low ascendant right? Nope, all low phantom or high oracle and a lot of unranked.

Fights just felt so one-sided. People didn't understand the concept of split pushing. No one really going for objectives.


Match ID 25867447

Our team got completely steamrolled this match, all lanes lost. Not sure if hero mmr is still being considered as I do not play M&K often but was put against someone who clearly has plenty of playtime on Seven.