Bad Matchmaking Thread


I've played about 170+ hours in this game but why do I always get teammates who look like they just played? I almost always get haze/wraith who look like they just played, but when haze/wraith are on the enemy team, they always dominate.
I was having fun with ranked matches until yesterday, when the second ranking happened. I went from Initiate 3 to Initiate 4, but the spike in difficulty is insane. I've played 3 ranked matches today and all of them featured me barely getting any kills and constantly dying. This doesn't feel right. Those Initiate 3 enemies aren't playing like I did when I was Initiate 3. They are a lot better.
25638840 - Enemy team ahead 60k souls, was pretty clear already early on that it was a loss. Enemy team had way more kills than us, very lopsided.
25628926 - Same as above, but with 40k souls ahead, it was pretty clear early on who would win.
25640826 - enemy completely outclassed our side. most of our heroes had no clue what to play or do. i try to make plays but everyone already back inside.

Uninstalled this experiment of a game. bye @Yoshi
edit: almost every match has this issue. Valve MM has always been like this.
25647423 - completely wiped by the enemy team's Talon, Vindicta, and McGinnis. The soul lead was a 46K DIFFERENCE mind you.

Their Vindicta, McGinnis, and Talon didn't die once, our Yamato barely farmed and went to start fights constantly, our Infernus wasn't good either, I was just playing with noobs against a 1.7k+ ELO team, and I don't understand HOW we got matched with this.
match 25656387

Absolutely ridiculous match quality. enemy team had 60k soul lead. Why in the name of god was this a match I got?

Team just turbo fed, didnt play together, not following plan despite saying plan
Gave me brain damage and I'm playing a new character
Not a single game but a general observation, created an account just for this:

After a fun start to this game, the last 10+ matches have all been hellish. Apparently and for some reason, the game is compensating my losses not with weaker enemies, but better allies. What that means is that for like two weeks now, I either lose or get carried.

I've lost every lane I've been in for these games. I get matched against people who snipe souls at spawn and I have slow reflexes. I spend more time running from enemies than fighting. I have been dead last in souls for the entire aforementioned games, weeks on end.

I really wanted to like this game, but if this keeps going I will probably have to go back to something else. The worst part is that half of these frustrating, unfun games where I get stomped in lane and farmed in lategame while my team carries me are still counted as wins, so there's no escaping that ELO hell for me.

The latest of these was 25677244, but like I said, the problem is that it's *all* of them.
Ranked: 25691169 - Lost at 17min - I've never gone 0-9 by 15 mins but I constantly get teammates that do.

This weeks ranked has been horrible for me. MMR hell in a game without solo hard carries [unless you're a haze spammer] is going to be impossible to get out of. Constantly in games where people just want to fight and have 0 lane management or I'm the only communicator calling out the basics.. I'm no Eternus.. and I get that.. but damn man.
Not a specific match but a distinct trend over roughly the past four days.

I only play with a single person, and every game I've played has been with them and vice versa. We had around a 58% winrate in normals, nothing crazy. We ended up being a party with a wide skill gap. Nearly every single game is absolutely miserable for the past four days. It always feels like three party members are feeding their brains out on each team, and there's way more six stacks now. I know this because they'll let you know.

It's reaching a point where I'll likely stop playing for now. My winrate has been around 30% the past few days, and while I don't care about winning or losing, the matches themselves are just agonizing.
I think there needs to be an overhaul on the safe urn location. We were pretty close in souls and they got the safe urn location and it completely shifted the momentum of the game. Also, it seems like I am consistently the best player on my team, where I build items to counter the enemy. What's up with that lol