Bad Matchmaking Thread

25466809 they just started pushing base before 10 minutes and people could not group up or do anything about it until it was way too late, also vindicta and mcginnis definitely need more buffsproject8_19c17Ajhw1.png
Abrams was clueless, just from playing the game I felt like he was throwing. He said its his first ranked match apparently, this was a phantom lobby, he shouldnt be even close to this rank. Very unenjoyable experience from the start.
Match ID: 25160211

Wide matchmaking queue issue, tried to queue as a group of 5, which led to an error that my party was too far wide in skill and couldn't play together, so we split 3 - 2. We then got matched up against each other and this match was the result.

My intended group of 5 was:

martin (LATINX)

I believe timeless is the one who is causing the "wide matchmaking" issue, but he already has 54 games played and I feel is pretty equal in skill as my party. (Still seeing the "wide matchmaking" even in subsequent games)

Attached a screenshot of the match as well for referece


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Duo queue only:
Deadlock Screenshot 2024.10.29 -

I really dont get it. You are not able to get a fair matchmaking for duo queue? I only won games in the beginning, now every match is an uphill battle and lost. At least other people can have fun I guess.
my lane mate, pocket, did not know what the soul orb mechanic was. legitimately. And when told about it, their first reaction to it was to let me have the soul orbs in a "you take the farm you're the carry" way. has 60 hours in, i guess they never did the "learn to play" thing in the main menu, their friends told them this game is like dota so they assumed stuff worked similarly to it
Higher rank than enemy and teammates straight feeding and being toxic and uncooperative. Match id: 25503493
This is an extreme example, previous couple of matches were similar issue, people who refused to teamplay, don't know how to play their hero, die solo, and no comms. While the enemy team plays like fucking gods, doesn't let anyone get ganked alone. Ranking failing miserably to score people correctly.

ID : 25513401

Yamato was top 5% (rank Ascendant 1 in ranked)
Infernus was its second time on the character
Ivy was its first time on the character

She snowballed the match alone, not fun to play

3 of our teammates were very new to the game and they got absolutely destroyed in lanes - their scores ended up 0/4/0, 0/4/0 and 1/13/1.
Enemy was team of decent players, each was contributing there were no visible newbies.
They abused our newbies to get 40k soul advantage and end the game at 17 minutes.

This was not game this was bullying.

This whole match was a slog. I kind of feel that I'm only as good as my team, especially if I'm playing as Ivy, but that's not reflected in the match maker. It's as if focuses too much on your win/loss ratio and not enough on anything else. So if one isn't good enough to carry their team and is thus only as good as their team, consistently being placed in low rank matches means they will be consistently low rank and unable to rank up.

Being in the lower rank matches seems a bit like a tar pit in that respect because I'm certainly not good enough to carry, so what am I to do if none of my team know what to do? I honestly only enjoy the game when there's good teamwork and when there's good teamwork on both sides it's really fun, but I feel that doesn't happen often, at least in low rank matches.

Maybe there should be separate "Obscurus" matches where people without a rank play other people without a rank. As it is now it's hard for me to enjoy the game because my teammates don't really help that much.

P.s. - Maybe the other team had mics and were able to communicate better. Are there any metrics about who has/does not have a mic? I suspect that would be really important in a team based game.


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I know I am not the greatest deadlock player, but I am consistently getting teammates who don't understand lane prio or do objective damage. It is incredibly frustrating, because enemy teams rarely have this issue in my experience so far. It also really sucks because at this elo, I often get flamed while literally (in the case of 25542958) destroying every enemy tower and barely being negative. It feels like I am being artificially dragged into a lower elo where players sometimes have better mechanics than me, but there's no room to play the macro game. I really love this game, but it's making it hard to enjoy playing, and it is also hard to stay positive towards my teammates when it feels like they don't even understand the game and blame me.

Unranked, but regardless: Haven't gotten this kind of one sided match since those last number of matchmaking updates. Incredibly short and I feel bad about it.


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Wraith nor seven do not deserve to be at this MMR. I killed seven in lane like 5 times and he seemingly didn't even know what my abilities did. Wraith did not appear to be archon, and probably deserve bottom 30% instead of top 30% rank.