Bad Matchmaking Thread

25397708 - Teammates just non existent in the game. Just felt like a terrible matchup from the start. Souls were kinda even but the other team had at least 2 people that were near double the souls of everyone
25401230 - Felt good and we could have ended a few times but teammates wouldn't group and just kept trying to 1vX the whole team staggering spawns to throw the game
Match 25405340
Absolute stomp by the other team. The matchmaker didnt even try to balance.
50K difference at 20 mintues.
Not a fun match for either team
Game was super unbalanced. Geist seemed to be new player that refused to click on enemy players & infern got matched vs this haze who absolutely destroyed him then continued to feed.


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ID: 25348397
Match up from after the new wide skill range matchmaking update. My team lost this game very quickly and it seemed like the other players were much better than my team, I noticed a lot of them landing parries even on my light melee attacks.
huge rank imbalance between teams, including a high mmr wraith who is smurfing on the team that already has a massive rank advantage, not sure about your position on smurfs in deadlock but there are lots of them already mucking up ranked
Another completly bad game from the start 40k lead at 15 minutes for the oppsing team. At our base at 15 minutes. We took last guardian at mine 25. Matchmaker isnt even trying anymore
Match 25445464

Just a complete stomp. Not even close. Didn't help that there was a lash who went 0-17-0, potentially throwing on purpose.

Which is a shame because until then games had been getting better.
"There are so many poorly matched games that I can’t upload them all. This is my Steam profile: Recently, I’ve been winning consistently in Phantom rank 3 games with over a 75% win rate in about 40 games, but there’s been no change in my Valve MMR. Instead, I'm only matched with teammates who are really low-quality players. I wanted to give Deadlock a serious try, but the matchmaking is so terrible that I don’t even feel like playing anymore. No matter if it’s a closed beta game, the matchmaking in this game is trash. The developer in charge of this game's matchmaking needs to do a lot of reflection."

This represents approx. 4 hours of consecutive game time. My group has suffered loss after loss with no respite. There is no swing in the other direction, just loss on loss to the point my friends want to quit, and I don't blame them, what is the draw to come back if this is what they can expect?

What is the point of loading deadlock if the matchmaking is so poor that this is a possibility. Before anyone comes in with a "gitgud", not like I can check these days because as of 24/10 third party tracking of match rating is blocked (wonder why), had me at mystic or platinum neko score fairly recently which puts us at above average... or if is in any way accurate I am apparently a top 1% warden and top 5% grey talon, yet here I am now with a negative win rate and spending an entire night being miserable to the point of leaving this shit game forever.

This is now intolerable! What is happening here? Is it just a parade of smurf accounts gaming the system? Do you just not update MMR incrementally? Does anyone even read these posts or have you made this thread to just corner complaints into one convenient spot thats out of the way?
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how come my unranked game

24672042 quality so much better than my ranked games? LOL i am thinking about playing unranked more from now on for some good games. lol theres a myriad of retards in my ranked games its almost confounding in nature.​

bro the unranked games are just as bad if not wors. the matchmaking is just insanly bad. its not even funny. not one balanced game ive had in unranked or ranked. its just not playable or enjoyable at all.