Bad Matchmaking Thread

Played a game at 12:00 EST NA against people on EU saying it was 4AM their time. I couldn't even see the souls before they were hit. Skill gap in match + incredible lag from play. ID: 25250446
3 useless cinderblocks and shiv has 50 hours played who only split pushes and gets kills ulting. Fantastic job with the matchmaking still giving me unwinnable games unless I 1v11 every time.1730092269641.png
25257564 this is ID of match full of pain, vindicta has a cheats and all team protect her for nothing. Just let u know that there is a lot of cheater.VindictaRapeSession.jpg
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Shiv and pocket clearly do not belong in this match, extremely outclassed players and abrams while had a bad score was at least communicating and organizing plays.

25275388 - how is this even possible that i match up against 662 H HAZE when im 87 h. Standard is unplayable. What should I do. when im playing with duo we have wide skill range and when im playing solo im having some great teammates with no knowledge of anything. No teamplay just rushing like morons and doing 1v3 or something.
25294727 - Would love to get a reset on my ranked elo or something. Happy to admit i don't belong at all in any of these ranks. It's been getting quite upsetting as while i do enjoy the game, it's been several games of just getting destroyed night after night by people way, way more skilled than i am.
Match ID 25324817

I really think new players shouldn't be matched with people with hundreds of hours, like in any situation. The McGinnis was putting turrets in places where they couldn't even hit anyone, meanwhile the enemy Dynamo knew how to use his teleport to dodge every attack. Also they were clearly on comms, showing up to defend each other as a 5 stack multiple times.

Also, the Grey Talon was able to make his HP bar invisible so he was both very hard to see and also we didn't know how much HP he ever had.

Match lasted 25 minutes. 4 players on my team had 10 deaths or over. Yellow lane walker was down in around 7 minutes. Felt like a game that would have been impossible to win for anyone.


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Another ridiculously unbalanced match in ranked: 25327538

Here's a suggestion, why not let people report all these players that queue and ruin matches, instead of banning players from ranked for using the reporting function?

25335723 - ranked

They destroyed us on all lanes. Impossible to comeback. They snowballed hard and fast. That Shiv was playing an agressive melee build without doing any mistake, which let me think he was from an higher mmr. Additionally their team composition was much better.
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