Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 25200720

Worst ranked match I've ever seen. Had teammates who never seemed to learn how to play the game. i.e. our Abrams went back to base during laning phase to heal when their HP dropped to 50% in a fight

Kept on getting randomly abandoned by teammates. Felt like it was just me and two other teammates who had actually played before.

EDIT: It really was like people never played before, because they had never played their heroes before. Looks like two teammates had decided to test out heroes for the first time. In Ranked....
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Match 25197937 - Time 34:43 - Victory Team 11k Lead - Amber team took everything back to the base before Sapphire had even unlocked 1 flex slot. Team widely unbalanced. Team member, Haze, 0/13/3. Everyone else was positive or nearly positive kill rate. Everyone else was grouping up. Haze didn't know what to do and fed over and over.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
ranked, complete blowout with every single member of my team getting crushed in lane and the game ending at the twenty minute mark

1730074412085.pngAmber team didn't have the teamwork or mechanical skill. They weren't able to contest their close urn drop either. Very lopsided match.
You can't separate friends by MMR without showing what their MMR is. Played this game exclusively with one friend, we have the same win rate (50%), same games played, nearly identical Kills/Assists/Heal etc a game, but now we can't play together because there is too much skill between us but we have no idea who is what rank? Then when we actually try to play this "skill separation game" it's just a complete disaster with the kills 50 to 5 for the other team. I expected much much much more from Valve before instituting changes, but as it stands now uninstalled and won't be back as I have no faith in the modern Valve team.
Match ID 25226933: the Kelvin felt like a clearly better player than myself, solo killed me twice, and then I looked at the scoreboard and I had the highest soul count. Other team seemed more coordinated than I expected-- maybe premade, maybe just better at the game?
Match 25230372
A really poor showing from Amber Hand. The map awareness and general ability to team play for amber hand was abysmal in comparison to sapphire flame.
25230530 25027867 25002833 my last like 10 games have been like these 3 games, matches were i get a lot of kills or just average but for some reason there is always someone with 0 kills or that died 20 times or that clearly doesnt have more than 50 hours, i notices that a lot of this players just wants kills and they never go for the objetives, and its fine for people that just start playing, but i have 200+ hours more than 300 games and i dont get why i get these players. I dont want to play competitive every time to get similiar skill team8. to me something is broken with the mmr because sometimes i destroy the enemy team alone, and sometimes 1 or 2 guys of my team play like they just installed the game. imagen_2024-10-27_223555075.png
ID 25229676
Matched up against people way above skill level. Lash ends game with 30 kills 2 deaths and 80k souls. He was impossible to kill
You can't separate friends by MMR without showing what their MMR is. Played this game exclusively with one friend, we have the same win rate (50%), same games played, nearly identical Kills/Assists/Heal etc a game, but now we can't play together because there is too much skill between us but we have no idea who is what rank? Then when we actually try to play this "skill separation game" it's just a complete disaster with the kills 50 to 5 for the other team. I expected much much much more from Valve before instituting changes, but as it stands now uninstalled and won't be back as I have no faith in the modern Valve team.

Multiple friend groups having the same issue now after this latest matchmaking patch.
Match ID: 25237590

our team got absolutely snowballed, the ivy and bebop on the enemy team played objectively better than anyone else on our team. i'm in a lower elo than my bf, not by much but still lower than him, and even he couldn't keep up.
25247498 ^ same as this one

Low Oracle players being matched up against Mid Alchemist / High Ritualist 2 person party.