Bad Matchmaking Thread

25091657: felt like the moe was the "high skill friend" of both the geist and haze, they did not really know what was happening and was behind and outmatched in lane

25097731: opposite game where my friends did a match without me and got both the moe with his 2 friends again on the opposite team, making them really bad in lane and causing them to lose the game for there team
This is just unacceptable match quality... not only do we get5 poor line up, the players cant play their characters, zero game awareness, no comms

Match ID 25160660

I have never seen a more unbalanced game in my 285 hours in game. We finished the game with a ~69,000 net worth lead, but even in the laning stage you could tell things were very off.25160660.png
25161865, 25102323, 24906555, 24901046, 24895212, 24786693, 24780421

These were my last 7 ranked matches, I lost ALL OF THEM. I tried to win every single one, in most of them if not all I was the best player on my team, was the only one giving comms most of the time and all of that, but nothing works. This has been the worse matchmaking experience Ive ever had in deadlock. One or two of these matches were a bit close but most werent and I lost all non the less from getting in my team really bad players to getting C9ed by mcginnis by herself, killing a patreon that was full hp in 15 secs in match 25161865.

Really starting to get tired of this, would like some kind of explanation of whats going on and would like to be able to enjoy the game with people that are on my level or close to it (low ascendent in my opinion) and not these lobbies.
Я все выходные посвящал игру в рейтинге и что получил?
После первой калибровки мне каждую игру кидает тиммейтов, которые просто молча бегают соло и фидят, когда против меня люди стакаются и идут в меня. Каждый матч такой все выходные.
22842281: Me and the majority of my team were outmatched/outplayed in our early laning phase. They were just running it down and getting kills, my team was focusing on trying to win team fights that were not in our favor financially and sometimes in numbers.

22005562: 2 of the enemy team mates were running through our entire team throughout the match. My team mates constantly fighting a fight that they cannot win, resulting in the enemy getting hard fed.

24501490: This match was unfair, we were non stop rolling into the enemy - our whole team did great - the enemy seemed helpless

23473247: In this game the enemy Haze, Shiv and Wraith were getting kills early lane which helped them carry the rest of the match
I felt like at least a few of my team mates were not knowing how to deal with them, or farm.

Just a few examples, there are so many.
The overwatch effect seem to be a real thing in most games below Oracle Rank. (Constantly team fighting after spawning, and dying, repeat).
In result of this people tend to completely ignore their own objectives until it is too late and the walker is pushed by minions.

edit: I believe its safe to say if someone is doing exceptionally well in their games compared to their team mates and the enemy team (even after a loss) they should not belong in that match, at all.
All games today were bad, ranked, griefer teammates, enemy had actual working players, carries were...carrying. On my side all seem to intentionally throw the game or troll with their builds.
25161865, 25102323, 24906555, 24901046, 24895212, 24786693, 24780421

These were my last 7 ranked matches, I lost ALL OF THEM. I tried to win every single one, in most of them if not all I was the best player on my team, was the only one giving comms most of the time and all of that, but nothing works. This has been the worse matchmaking experience Ive ever had in deadlock. One or two of these matches were a bit close but most werent and I lost all non the less from getting in my team really bad players to getting C9ed by mcginnis by herself, killing a patreon that was full hp in 15 secs in match 25161865.

Really starting to get tired of this, would like some kind of explanation of whats going on and would like to be able to enjoy the game with people that are on my level or close to it (low ascendent in my opinion) and not these lobbies.
25176404 make that 8 losses in a row, I was way superior than the rest of my team but still lost the game because everytime I died We would lose a fight.... Gun bebop carried the game with 25+ kills, broken character, does 3000 damage a second with a gun build and you still buffed his gun... that's amazing
Phantom Rank

Unless I am turbo carrying objectives with a gun build character its almost a guaranteed loss. All of these games were at a extremely positive KD as well.

25177113 - there was a bad mismatch in skill levels in one of the lanes that led to 10 deaths and no kills during the laning phase. We almost came back from it regardless, but lost in the end.
25183458 - ranked, shiv doesn't seem to be able to hold their rank at all, given how they are at 12k souls at 20 minutes
25185114 finally won a match after losing 8 in a row, but still at 13 minutes my vindicta had died 10 times (and fed the enemy team through all the early game) and haze had 12 kills. Very unbalanced match meaning vindicta and wraith especially were worse than the rest and me, lash, abrams and haze were far superior than the rest of the pack, so either a player was crap or really good