Bad Matchmaking Thread

I have only played 2 games since the change to how skill difference in parties is handled, but as a solo player it instantly feels better. both of my games were losses that felt like if i had performed better i could have possibly eked out a win. it didn't feel like one side was just clearly better.
24932775 - We had a monstrously horrific game. I'm entirely unsure as to how "wide skill range" works, as my firend and I have played so many games together. I play solo and the game feels even worse somehow :/
24934281 - Mirage is in a lobby he absolutly should not be in, he has 50 hours on the game total in a lobby with no one else under 150 hours, he had about 8k souls when everyone else was at around 15k so we told him to go jungle, at the end of the match i checked the stats he had about 400 damage to neutral camps and during the match he was walking around just doing nothing, not shooting objectives either, just walking around shooting lanes1729958282289.png
Can someone help me get unbanned from the offical discord server. Im trying to reach out that im sorry and that i wont do it again but i get no respond. Discord: Mitchzies
24744287 - stomp from start to finish
24938380 - they had all walkers down by 14 minutes and was triple our kills. we didn't even get a guardian. Had some people just abandon lanes. wasn't even close
24948243 - just another stomp where they were in our base and we only had 1 guardian down. They had like 5 times our kills and double our souls by the end
Why can’t you balance the selection by heroes? How to win a game where against you 3 heroes control the mid boss, are strong in the lanes and mid game, and your crap selection throws 6 carries into one pack who are weak in the lanes and mid game and are not able to control the Rosh


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Match 24957742

completely destroyed the team, it felt like the other team just lacked playtime and understanding of fundamental mechanics. Wiped in under 20 minutes, 17:50
Match 24958743

I'm not sure how the wide skill range party thing is determined, but recently whenever I duo with friends I've played with before we've been getting this. Granted they don't play as much as me, but I don't think I'm very far ahead of them. But the game quality seems to have dropped when I duo since this change was implemented. This game was just an absolute stomp, enemy team just seemed way better than us in every regard. Almost like a 6 stack. Also seems hard to get friends that don't play as much to continue playing if this is the result every time.
Match ID: 24991134

Team comp was all late game heroes on one team, early game on the other. Additionally Team was curb stomped within 20 minutes (Unable to even kill on enemy guardian)
The game just felt like I was playing against semi-beginners. The skill difference between my and the enemy team is way too large, even though we won I didn't enjoy the match at all.
Hi, I appreciate the team match making update was done today to try and balance party based match making. However, it seems that profile weights are still very unbalanced.

My brother and I are playing together in duo's, and we are still being placed in lobbies where we feel extremely outclassed. Our lane phases are repeatedly awful, if we win a game our contributions are minimal and we are being hard carried by the team, and it overall feels like we are being placed in lobbies where we are far, far below what is expected.

Most recent game ID was: 25015209

I know from other posts that websites like are unreliable for tracking. However, it is the only way to check metrics for what other players are roughly. In the case of the lobby for the game ID above, at least one of the players on the enemy team is playing in Eternus / Ascendant lobbies. I'm flattered that the MMR system thinks my brother and I are good enough to play in the top echelons of the community, but what is very clear is that we are nowhere near on their level, and appear to have been given far too high a rating.

At the moment, we are going into lobbies repeatedly where we are outclassed by orders of magnitude and any win is down purely to our team carrying us. This feels awful to play, and the fun factor since the ranked update seemed to mess our account ratings up, has dwindled significantly. (I have only just hit 50 games, so don't even have a rank). It is very unappealing to play right now.

I'm not sure if there is an issue with the weightings being applied in the background to determine skill level, but it definitely feels that something has gone very wrong and we have been given way too high a MMR level compared to our actual practical skill in game.