Bad Matchmaking Thread

25933756 - Felt like a stomp from the start. Just not map control the entire game. Couldn't leave base for the last half the match.
25941090 - Just a stomp the other way. had them stuck in their base the whole game
25992654 - just not even close. had 2 teammates with a combined 17 deaths by 11 minutes. just no chance for any comeback and they were 30-40% ahead most of the game. by the end of the game the 2 teammates went 0 and 27 combined with 5 assists...
26002995 - We had a strong early game but they just got a massive lead on us with 1 person just hard carrying with half their kills. Not sure why they were in this match
26161083 - 2 teammates just non existent in the match. had a decent lane phase but my teammates were just unable to do anything.
26182935 - despite the souls this game was not even close from the beginning. 2 people were maybe cheating though
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
#26188485 Matched against a team that had absolutely stomped my team in the match before. Here's that matches ID #26185571. I havnt had like a properly good feeling match in about a week. It all just feels like I'm supposed to lose from the start. Heres another one of those matches #25988333. I know maining pocket doesn't help, because he's high skill ceiling and I suck, especially against talon and geist. I just want the game to feel fun again. Thanks Deadlock team for reading, have a good day.
Stomped 26199669
Stomped 26196598
Stomped 26193353

Seriously not sure what it is with late night games and you guys not wanting me having fun :ROFLMAO:
How is this even possible to have champs like that versus this team. It was literally rigged from the start. We have 0 frontlane except me on Shiv, and in anyway I get killed in a few seconds, because they got 3-4 frontlane champs, while we have 5 dps hero's
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
cheater on ivy
Some very unfair games sorry by advance if some was lost cause of a ragequitting mate
I was climbing out of this rank and doing pretty well until I hit a positive WR then all hell broke loose and it has been completely un-fun since.

26285449 - 160k - 215k - With a guy on seven for his first time, no rank lane partner Wraith with wild ults that always lead to nothing.

26295637 - 24 minutes - shrug. I'm officially in MMR hell and the ladder is getting pulled away even further with every game. the ranks are getting lower and as a warden I'm unable to do much early game to get ahead as I feel like I rely on items waaay more then the rest.

26312852 - 22 minutes - kelvin was absolutely clueless - team was outclassed in every way

26317111 - There were only 4 ranked people in this lobby. Arcanist v - emissary 1 and 4 and a ritualist 3......
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The enemy team had hard disable on every single hero, we had three, two of which were a 60+ second CD ulti. We literally couldn't do shit. They also had two ulti stuns, both of which not cancel-able, and would stun mo out of his ulti. They also stacked knockdown.
I was climbing out of this rank and doing pretty well until I hit a positive WR then all hell broke loose and it has been completely un-fun since.

26285449 - 160k - 215k - With a guy on seven for his first time, no rank lane partner Wraith with wild ults that always lead to nothing.

26295637 - 24 minutes - shrug. I'm officially in MMR hell and the ladder is getting pulled away even further with every game. the ranks are getting lower and as a warden I'm unable to do much early game to get ahead as I feel like I rely on items waaay more then the rest.
Tbh I had same games like that for whole day, I lost like 7 in a row with huge diff in souls