Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 26440863

I feel like I haven't had a balanced match in a while now. It felt good a week or two ago, I don't know what you've done since but it's bad.
I'm an Ascendant player and I keep getting matched in Phantom lobbies. I have maybe like 80% winrate in Ascendant lobbies, took a 2 week break and got placed in High Phantom (from High Ascendant previously), so I win like 20 games, now I lose 3 in a row because of a blatant cheater, a bad game and an afk, and now I'm getting placed in LOW PHANTOM lobbies. This is not fun for anyone, I'm just stomping these lobbies and it's not fun for me either

This message appeared when I started a party with my friend. Most of our matches were together and the only difference is that I played 1 competitive match. None of the lanes won. And after all, we didn't entered the match in the same lane. I am not understanding why it's so hard to lane together.

Match ID: 26439663
25407080 (we won but still felt like enemy team was SIGNIFICANTLY better most unfun "win" I ever had.)
22837573 - enemy team is coordinated and feels like I am playing with bots on easy. we are 3v6 in this match cuz viscous goes 0-14-7, ivy has less than 10k player dmg, bebop hasn't shot an objective the whole game.

23537883 - seven on our team seemed like he had no idea how to play the game. game was a complete one sided stomp.

23843236 - after laning phase enemy just lost in 20 min. Vindicta crushed seven, so maybe that wasn't an even matchup. Ivy and wraith lane won by a lot as well.

26451625 - i have never had a more miserable lane in deadlock. The viscous was obviously much better than me and I had no business being his lane opponent. 30k lead at 15 min, 20 min loss.

One team won just about every single team fight, and the other team didn't. Unsurprisingly the winning team also happens to have a group of the most overpowered characters all in one. It's disgusting and very tiring. It's getting boring playing against the same team comps over and over.

It's literally been over a week since I last played a game that felt fair for both teams
The game was more or less balanced except for the Warden player, who did way better than everyone else.

Our Dynamo seemed like he was a bit out of his depth.
Another one. Absolutely stomped.


The matchmaking has been ABYSMAL solo or group since last matchmaking update.

Also please bring back "did you like this game or not" feedback.
Match ID: 26462094

I don't know why this game was so one sided, but it was. It felt like going up against an impossible-to-stop snowball. Games like this are awful.
Match ID: 26464938

Probably one of the worst matches I've had in a while. A clear skill discrepancy, and a complete stomp as a result. My team made no attempt at pushing objectives, and I had to do it all myself. Checking the graphs, not once was my team in the lead for souls. Something is fundamentally wrong with matchmaking.
I have a few questions about the matchmaking system: in 50 games I managed to win only 16, the rest of the defeats were one-sided, no matter what hero or lane I played, opponents always win the lane and then we lose in 20 minutes as examples of ID matches
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help

Ranked match.

2 (or more, depending how you count it) tanks on enemy team, all squishy farm-hungry heroes on ours. One of the least-fun styles of matches i get put in.

Why did one team have vin and grey talon on the same team? While the other team had mostly close range characters. Also the vindicta was somehow teleporting even tho i dont see a teleport in her build.