Match 26486596
Very obvious skill mismatch over the entire match. Many new players on my team vs very experienced players on the other team. Was a stomp. Base was taken at 20 minues.
Another overloaded match by the matchmaker: 26490177
They more or less won all lanes and had 2 players with 12+ kill streaks while we just were trapped in our base.
Completely terrible skill matchup. Matchmaker is just broken atm.
Similar to the last time I posted in this thread. 5 tanks + Talon = no damage and instant stomp. Would need the other team to have no brain and a my team to consist of aim gods to deal with this.
Match 26493845
3rd stomp of the night. 40k differece at 20 minues. Other team had a player 2 ranks above everyone else and just dominated. Is the code even running?
Not even a remotely fair matchup. I try out a new hero and get punished severely. MMR calculation either needs a rework, or split up ranking based on hero performance. Absolutely unfun, and the type of experience that warrants uninstalling.
Another ultra stomp ranked match, enemy team much higher ranks, our team 2 unranked players. People just run and die. Turbo bad line up to top it off. ID: 26556009
I get that we won a couple of games in a row, but team was actually playing the game and communicating. Why then force a loss with people who don't? I don't get it. Not to mention the absolute garbage line up.