Bad Matchmaking Thread

Mirage in both games.

19955016 - Actually had a strong lane opponent with deny but he was...... REALLY bad in team fights. I had to walk every single one of my teammates through how to actually play the game. They were all brand new. Every single one of them.

20280337 - As usual, my lane partner is lost and dies and I dumpster my lane opponents with economy and denies . Enemy lane opponents are super aggressive and can't last hit or deny. Every single person on my team is playing this game for basically the first time. Probably a 5 man of overwatch players. But there's literally no reason I should be paired with the teammates I was. That was an easy W if i was with people with my lane stats and ability to understand the game.

20289497 - Faced the same pocket second time in a row. Cannot deny. Over aggresses his lane and loses - DRASTICALLY. This is 6-7/10 of my games only to turn and see my entire team has lost their lanes and I wait for the game to end because it always ends the same way.

If I posted all of these games it would be 90% of my nearly 300 games and i don't think it's necessary.

Lane stats mattering in mmr when?
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Match iD: 20285486
One sided match. All but one lane lost. Felt absolutely outclassed in own lane.

Match ID: 20291235
Match over in 15 minutes. Just felt really bad. Matchmaker put me into this in less than 5 seconds
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MatchID: 20290257

opponents were alot more stronger and coordinated than my team. They did everything together. All we had was a toxic dota 2 player (Lash in team) who didnt want to help us but wanted to call everyone noob.

some of the opponents seemed kind of new to the game which cost their team the game
Absolute blowout, I was also learning lash, but was filled with players turbofeeding into a fed team, felt like a big experience gap.

Maybe it was players doubling down on stupid, and maybe these players play better in more even games, but I'll throw this one in the ring.

MatchID: 20288810

If there is hero based mmr, shouldn't it balance out the game with other people not on their main heroes? Does it set heroes before match then matchmake people together?
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MID: 18077087
Our team were almost all experienced players, but the enemy had new/still learning players, and they were dominated easily by McGinnis because of a fast snowball after laning phase. McGinnis had all the highest stats excepet total souls.
Bad Matches:
20268638 - Matched against a team that was able to collect every soul and cancel all of ours. We were trying to introduce a brand new player (only played like, 2 matches before this) to the game and just got stomped. It was a horrible experience. Left because other people disconnected.
20271528 - Matched some of the exact same people from the prior match and got stomped AGAIN. It was unfun since we couldn't even get their guardians before we lost.
20279216 - Waited 10+ minutes to ensure that our new player wouldn't face the same people again. Brought on a hardcore Yamato player to try to defend our newbie so they could learn. Still got steam rolled.
20294126 - Matched against some really tough lanes. Shiv + Yamato vs GreyTalon + Geist was really rough. So was Warden + Ivy vs Paradox + Haze. They snowballed and we never got all 4 Guardians or a walker before we were being killed in our spawn.

Good Match (in my opinion):
20284787 - Both teams had a hard carry. Both teams had bad / new players. Both teams had a solid chance at winning. The game went back and forth several times and was long enough to feel satisfying. Everyone got to play with high end items.

Anyway, it was rough night. :(
2 Hackers on the enemy team,
76561198183601175 with invisibility glitch and <blank>was able to teleport around as vindicta, and both were able to track through the veils.
The replay shows the wraith spinbotting under the map, and the vindicta was teleporting.