Bad Matchmaking Thread

For context I started this glorious streak at Oracle 1 iirc, my rank is super inflated for some reason. Here's every game I played today, all but the last one have extremely high soul differences and significant team gaps
id: 30339454

wtf is this teams builds? just impossible to win a teamfight


  • Captura de tela 2024-12-12 204544.png
    Captura de tela 2024-12-12 204544.png
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Why are NA players getting put into EU matches? How am I supposed to play with 130 ping? The worst part is getting slapped with an abandon penalty after that. It is an absolute insult to expect me to waste my time to play with 130 ping, when you know I have 130 ping, and for 11 other players to be subjected to that poor game experience.

And this is with a sub 20 second queue. This is actually unacceptable and probably the most egregious issue I've experienced in Deadlock. If it keeps happening I will stop playing. It's not worth my time.
Match ID: 30350232
Some players on my team were really mismatched against their opponents. Especially Pocket. He was at 3k souls while his opponent was at 8k souls at the 5 min mark. He didn't belong in this elo.
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Do I really need to keep this thread open at all times every time I play? Your system is beyond embarrassing. Every time I get to phantom 3 or higher I get put mixed with these oracles and archons who have no idea what the game even is about and feed to death, just like this Shiv, just like this Mcginnis, just like this Geist.1734072240781.png

was partied up with 2 friends and we are around the same rank between emissary and archon and yet we get these 4 horrendous matches in a row.......

Another day, another dose of dogshit matchmaking. Just revert whatever MMR changes you made when you merged queues. It's so fucking bad.
