Bad Matchmaking Thread

20695537 not only were they better but by their picks and how well they synergized they most likely were a party, where they chose all the healing in the world, while my team did a little bit of feeding.

Both games had teammates who simply did not know how to play (kept teamfighting, taking 1vXs, fighting resistant buildings, etc) vs teams who played very well (split pushed, farmed, ran urn, etc)
20693703 - Teammates didn't react to pings or they where super slow most of the time they where standing inside the base looking at the shop. It also felt like they don't know what a map is I had some really stupid death where a teammate was close but ignored the ping completely. There where also a lot of cases 1 vs X
Match 20702004
I believe my Yellow lane was imbalanced heavily in my favour. Their team had one leaver or more I think, but as far as the 1v1 interactions we had in Yellow, it seemed like a poor matchup.
I think it is pretty easy to Spot 2 outliers on my team (Amber) that were below everyone else's skill level
Whole game seemed like steam roll loss after laning phase ended
Screenshot (72).png

This match below also felt pretty unbalanced from both sides

This one clearly unbalanced, even though we did our best to comeback but we clearly had Dynamo who was worse than anyone else in the lobby, he was the most toxic player as well which I dont think is a coincedence

This is just from last 10 of my games, very sus.
Matchid: 20709611
This is not a "my team suck, enemy team good" post, something is seriously broken with matchmaking.
I will say I get a game like this 1 out of 10 matches.

5/6 of the enemy team seemed very experienced with the game, only one of there players came of as new-ish.
Enemy lash was using advanced parkour in the early game to do major damage, bebop landed hooks, etc.

3/6 players on my team seemed like they have never played before.
My lanemate did not know how denies worked at all and seemed completely lost.
Our 7 went 0/9/0 and I never saw him use his ult at all and I don't think he figured out how the shop works until mid game.
Our haze went 2/10/0 and did not seem to understand that dying gave the enemy team souls.
It really seemed like these guys had never played before and 5/6 enemy players played like pros.

Game 2:
The very next game my team completely destroyed the enemy team 87k to 38k souls.
Two of the enemy team went 0/6/0 and 0/10/1. It was an extremely 1 sided game and we just went from lane stage into the base and killed the patron at 11 min. I didn't even get a chance to buy from lane before the game ended. Very bad match.
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Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
MATCH ID 20711225

25 minute game with a 60k soul difference, the yamato and haze both are able to 1v6. There was zero hope for any sort of comeback, we could not leave our shrine without getting melted, none one on our team got more then 6 kills
20702657 perfect match to demonstrate bad match making. it was so "one-gate". We lost all lines without any chance to win, i guess they have smurfs. Haze in this game was very strong and she knew what he is doing but his steam account is empty, guess he is smurfing
update: i've watched replay and now I'm doubt that guys against had cheats. Lady geist and Mirage all game behaviour. First time in game I get very strange shot through the grey curtain on green line. That's why I've watched replay. People don't move mouse like they did. I'm sure that they played in party and had cheats. Also Mirage had VAC ban and comments that he is a hacker. Lady geist profile also has reports about cheats.
So puzzle became complete after checking their steam profiles. Party of two cheat together in public.
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