Bad Matchmaking Thread

It is impossible to have worse matchmaking than DeadLock currently has. Completely random matches would be more likely to have quality games.


85k to 168k
5 kills to 39
25 minutes

Who wants to waste 25 minutes of their precious, mortal life on these trash matchups?
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What happened:
I queued up as a group of 6. I am experienced, having a decently long wait time to find a match when I play solo. The other 5 I queued with had no experience and were playing their first or second games. My lane wasn't very difficult, but the rest of my team was quickly being dominated. Got to the point very quickly where they were just ending the game, loss just under 14 minutes.

What I think happened and instead expected:
I'm assuming the game averaged the MMR I had with my team and gave us opponents mostly around that MMR. Admittedly, I was also first time trying Mirage as I hadn't played much in a couple of weeks, but I really doubt my own ability to salvage a game like that even on my main. I expected the matchmaking to give new players for all lanes except my own which I expected to be similar to my skill.
idk what has happened lately, but the last 2-3 days almost every game of mine is a complete 1 sided beatdown. I rarely had any problems before this week. I looked at one of my matches on tracklock and based on their rating systems the game was heavily uneven, with 1 team having an elo of 438-570 (2/6 were above 500) and the other team had a elo of 322-497 (2 of them being in the 320's) The 570 player was in the same lane as the 322 player and destroyed him soo much that we got a massive lead until the guy rage quit.



Just bad matchmaking, all lanes loose 10 min into the game they got double our souls we had no chance, even the ennemie team at the end said it was not fair matchmaking
The more I play, the more the games gets difficult, not because I've hit a wall but because the other team is generally much better than my teammates. I've went on something 20 loss and 5 wins in the past few days and it's anything but normal, I've been performing very well considering all my other teammates generally fed. Even though I lost so many games, the pattern remains the same, the games aren't getting easier for me, they're staying hard because the teams aren't balanced at all. I got destroyed once because I was tilted and playing a very bad solo lane match up of Haze vs Beepop. I shouldn't have such a huge loss streak while playing that good. We can't really factor game knowledge unless I'm put with brand new players every time when I shouldn't be with them.


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20659714 - 06/10/2024 - Never seen a more one sided game, at 9 minutes they were already in our base... although my lane seemed to be the only one that was evenly matched. Game completely over after 18 minutes.
Horrible matchmaking, me and my teammates were playing on characters we have used like once before and the enemies had a mastery of their heroes and were so much better at the game than us.

We had a small lead past 20 minutes but lost because we had 2 very "below game" players Bebop and Lash. Both had most deaths, Bebop was involved in very few kills yet still had horrible souls.

For example at 20 minutes, Lash 12.5k souls Bebop 13.3k souls, next player was 18.5k. Sub 15k souls - 20 minutes at this MMR is crazy. In both of their lanes there's also a last hit discrepancy between them and their lane partner too.
Abrahms player had a 10 kill streak at 8 minutes, pushed walker by 10 minues and then stomped the rest of the team. Had a 25 kill streak. Had skill way beoynd anybody in the map.


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I am beginning to think that the game thinks hours = skill. I have like 60 hours in the game and i'm still unbelievably bad at it so I don't understand why I keep getting put against people who have mastered the kit of heroes and actually know how to play.