Bad Matchmaking Thread

Getting wildly imbalanced matches against me

Match ID: 20537473
Two of my teammates were 0-10< around the 10-12 minute mark already

Match ID: 20555123
Game right after the one above, team got slaughtered in the beginning. Enemy Lash went to go sit in base for 20 minutes after going 0-2 against me. Despite it being 6v5 against them for most of the game, still lost with team going wildly negative in the beginning
Match ID: 20537246
Duo of Warden and Seven were clearly aimbotting before the first minion dies, but game also wasn't close. Not sure if MMRs were based off them not cheating before, but wasn't a fun game to play.

Match ID: 19981809
Duo of Mirage and Wraith were clearly aimbotting and wallhacking, but game was never close. Again not sure if their MMRs were based off them not cheating before, but game was never close.


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all solo q games-i have 250h played was close to 58-60% win rate most of these games were complete stomps , i had players who asked what unscured souls do and they can use them, i had someone who didnt even know the character hes playing is named maccginis obv these are new players and shouldnt be in 250h games.

matchid:20454306-61k lead in less than 30 min game,i have players with 0 obj dmg

matchid:20561062 seven was asking what unsecured souls do(obv new player) , i have 250h on the game and 30 games on mirage

matchid:20466332 stompfist huge souls lead and just an overall extreme team diff


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Match ID: 20582122

The highest score on my team was me 4/4, while the other team, everyone was having a balanced KDA. The matchmaking absolutely doesn't mix the players maaan

Match ID:


Common thing about all matches ID regardless of wins and losses (mostly losses) is that my teammates always get smashed by my opponents so hard that when I carried hard we can't manage to turn the tables over. Some observations i also found are: (1) they always go for kills not objectives whenever there is a time to push guardians. (2) most of the hard carried loss matches I have has 15k-30k souls difference between me and my teammates.
also look match 19953838, haze mecepicot1976 using aim hack + noclip tool
Match id's:







Mostly a huge difference in soul farming due to the team probably not knowing the mechanics of the game while the enemy team is either stacked or just know the game very well. This is not fun.
Match ID: 20598345

While somewhat ahead in lane with wraith that i am not good at but i see the enemy is worse than me at laning cs he only melees as beep, doesnt land a hook. game ends in 19:29 min 79 vs 151.

starts by rotations on their part. snowballed out of control and lack off coordination while they were slick! they had a good understanding of picks: lash infernus pocket and krill knew their limits and damage potential quite well. I was on my 7 game character, 1st haze loss so i am not 6-1 idk how that might have skewed the mm. i could have punished more but i felt i got hit through a parry and died and that slowed down my aggression a lot specially with zip on cd start now. I didn't see all my teammates play really the game ended before we could ever group or anything, i thinkour seven was decent? the most souls bought carpet.

Note worthy thing, the lanes were wraith + haze vs mo + infernus, i asked to swap with the solo abrams because we would be bleeding this lane really hard and if the krill was half decent we would not get to play the game. haze solo is not great but atleast my idea was to make the duo lane more stable so abrams could front and push them away from wraith and give kill threat. without any chat interaction wraith swapped with mcginis to make waith kelvin lane.

If the game was matching the abrams that was not very experienced and the beepbop that wasn't either and me vs their best players that was between shiv infernus and krill from what i saw perhaps that would have made a more fair game.