24239032 - unranked.
Extremely wild skill levels: 3 enemies were above 1700 nekoscore("Platinum" rank on Tracklock) and they farmed our weakest players the entire game. The highest one from our team was only at 1494 neko. Our lowest was at 986 but (another) our McGunnis fed the entire time and admitted she hasn't played since summer or something. The enemy team had 2 950-986 players but it did not matter at all because these weaker players were paired with strong character and way higher mmr players.
Extremely wild skill levels: 3 enemies were above 1700 nekoscore("Platinum" rank on Tracklock) and they farmed our weakest players the entire game. The highest one from our team was only at 1494 neko. Our lowest was at 986 but (another) our McGunnis fed the entire time and admitted she hasn't played since summer or something. The enemy team had 2 950-986 players but it did not matter at all because these weaker players were paired with strong character and way higher mmr players.