Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 24301533 - Played with two friends who hadn't played in weeks., and are not as good as me. Enemies appeared to be a bit hard for my level, but our team just got crushed. Enemies could have finished at 23 minutes, but instead just messed around till 32
MatchID: 24302373. Ranked match that seemed like actually new players vs regular people at this rank. 20k gap at 20 minutes and 100k at 30.

MatchID: 24310886. Very similar to above, average team for the rank vs what seems like new players, multiple sub 10k damage in a almost 30 minute game.
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Ranked match

24313227 I don't know how low my rank is in the broad spectrum of ranks, but we got stuck with a Talon who was so bad he tried to steal minion kills at one point (edit: teammate minion kills)

Match 24311522

My games generally hover around 2-2.1k. This was 1.3k, I had 4 extremely low/new players and 1 low rank player on my team.

The opposing team had 2 players around my rank, 1 a bit lower than me, and 3 low ranks.

It is almost impossible to win a game with skill imbalances like this, it's like a 3v1.

Please do not match me with new players, ever, please, it just wastes my time. I'll wait in queue as long as it takes to not have to deal with this.
24327136 - game failed to start yet gave enemy team victory and lost MMR score because of it
24327411 - self explanatory in addition to enemy's ping being weird where abilities are going through buildings
Ranked Match: 24323786

Team got destroyed, everyone seemed new on friendly team and the Ivy mentioned they we're playing Ivy for the first time.

I was certainly not as good as my lane opponent, I got owned.
I had 1750 ELO. Why am I playing already with low ELO mm? I dont wanna play with noobs. Thats why I have communication block because of being angry on BOTS. MMR is getting worse than better. Wake up VALVE.