Bad Matchmaking Thread



This is getting so.... so.... tiring. It just keeps happening over and over. Players that should absolutely not be in the match are in this match. Watching the replay from mirage perspective shows that there is absolutely no way anyone could believe *any* part of the matchmaking algorithm is working correctly or as intended. I'm nearing 300 games now and the number of games that felt equal or fair (especially for a loss) is diminishing the more I play. Now it's feeling like getting an actually fair match is pure luck and the huge majority of those games will be stomps.

The most disgusting part is how every loss puts even worse teammates in my games and it's seriously infuriating. I used to get players that grouped up and communicated and made the right calls. Now I get matches where the team never groups and asks for someone to leave when they're losing.

And the most messed up part is that this is occurring at all skill levels. Just watch the high mmr pros playing on Twitch. They get people that admit they were brand new. Players that intentionally grief with bad builds (punch Haze). Players that blatantly cheat (where's the frog?). Ect.

Whatever the hell is going on, we deserve to know. I like this game but the quality of matches we keep getting is by far one of the biggest problems in Deadlock. Anyone else agree?

I really hope this thread isn't just a place to air our frustrations.
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24100957 - we all had a really bad laning, and couldnt recover. we tried communicating pushes, but nothing would get through as it snowballed too fast1729567247494.png

Stomped game, but feel like this is more of character balance issue (Shiv) than matchmaking being broken. Just putting it there to be safe than sorry
Seemed like my team didnt understand mobas and were playing like COD

Team lost all guardians and didnt even clear most till after mid game. Had 1 griefer as Wraith and the Pocket went irate after losing

This is a ranked match.

Our team was 0-12, 0-6, 0-8, 1-8, 4-3, and 6-5.

The Haze only got his one lone kill toward the end, so for the most match it was more like quad zeroes.

24123442 - close game but with 2 teammates just feeding the whole game (1/15 - 9/16) felt like a 4v6
24128806 - Felt way too easy of a win. Sub 20 minutes. Had someone quit early on the other team
24131270 - Had a shiv just get super fed and was unstoppable and a McGinnis ulting every 20 seconds. Felt like a struggle despite being relatively even in map and souls for most the game
Match ID:


MMR in ranked for this match way too far off. New players on my team and there was no sense of synergy as well. Players did not understand mechanics of game and continued to team fight without proper amount of souls or items. Do not do the overwatch route of hidden mmr or started everyone in the middle rank. I had proper and much closer matches before this and again like overwatch do not do the "expected to win", "expected to lose" route as they doesn't help with player growth at all as many people form OW do not like that change as it can lead to steamrolling or being steamrolled.
I wonder when will Yoshi stop tormenting me with this awful matchmaking. All my recent Bebop games were loss after loss. Your matchmaking is worse than Call of Duty. At least, SBMM let's me win and have fun. I have a total of 197 games played and only won 94 of them and I'm not even an above average player.

Match ID: 24152762

Infernus and Mirage basically didn't understand that's a Team game and you actually also ahve to fight and not only farm...
I checked the Valve Match Score from tracklock and they are basically way lower than the rest of the players and it showed in gameplay.
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