Bad Matchmaking Thread

Really Valve?? 6 straight losses in a span of 3-4 hours. Your matchmaking is worse than Call of Duty. Fix your trash ass matchmaking

Match 23141055

Sigh. Another stomp. Feeding guys. One guy who requests lane because "he can't solo". Clearly people who aren't confident playing this game.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Match id 22828636 : 2 very low level players versus 2 very high level players
Match id 22365281 : Huge skill difference between teams
Match id 22377702 : Bad balance


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23149707 bot lobby, nobody is responding and doing literally nothing
23145801 everybody (except of pocket) doing also nothing, infernus feeding and I think its not his rating
22955435 oneside game (we won, thx for this matchmaking system)
Before I post this match I want to say Ranked has been an absolute delight. Long balanced games. Teams are even or very close to where you can counter and team mates want to play. That said since last Weeks patch my epic string of bad standard games continues. Now 35 out of 40 standard games have been total blow outs one way or another. I love this game but blowouts aren't fun. Even when winning. PLEASE FIX MY MATCHMAKING. It's killing my love for the game.

Match ID - 23157950 - 21 min game. I had 2 team mates with 0 kills and over 10 deaths. Game was over 7 minutes into it as they had all towers and walked before laning was even over. They then grieved us hard until I called them on it in chat. Saying no point to buff your K/D in alpha and that made them push for win. In all honesty another 4 mins and the creeps would of one also. BAD GAME

Here is a fun one. Completely stomped the enemy team in 19 minutes. Game was pretty much over by 10 minutes.
Match ID: 23160510
The tracklock player scores show a huge imbalance with the winning team averaging ~1935 elo, while the losing team had ~1714. The Viscous had an elo of 1417, and now I kinda feel bad for destroying them.

Match 23158962.

Do I even need to comment? 1:16 and constantly leaving/rejoining to avoid the penalty before finally quitting outright. Multiple players on our/enemy team that were clearly far below skill level in match average (excellent enemy Ivy and Vindicta, however).


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MATCH 23163872

Probably one of the worst matches I ever had, game lasted longer because Vindicta and Talon fed intentionally towards the end to play longer. Without the option to surrender, lost games last much longer than they should and its ridiculous. Never had matches as bad as I do lately.

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Match 23169522:

Enemy Shiv absolutely dominated our team to the point where he was able to spawn-invade for nearly a minute and kill the entire team, repeatedly, despite being focused by all abilities/gunfire/etc.

Looked up the Bidule guy on tracklock and he's "mystic" - almost everyone else in the match is bronze and has approximately 1/2 his skill level.


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