Matchmaking after the MMR update has been incredibly difficult, getting paired with people that have barely played, and against people who haven't closed the game since it came out. It's almost impossible to win.
The two highlights are:
23076538 - Had 1 player that had never played before and another player with "low" mmr queued with me, we ended up getting absolutely stomped by the other team. Clearly they were way out of our league by miles.
23072322 - Had 2 players with "low" mmr queued with me, we also got stomped by people that were out of our leagues. Not even a single person on the other team did poorly, and the economy was 40+k under.
I have zero idea why my mmr is so high, but I'm clearly way above where I should be and the matches I'm playing are super unfair and unfun to play. I'm not going to continue playing if this issue persists, it's very annoying and makes the game incredibly hard to enjoy as it used to be before this mmr change.