Bad Matchmaking Thread

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Match ID: 23100034
just got absolutely stomped with no possibility to come back
Match ID 23096514 Absolutely stomped. According to Tracklock, there was a low skilled player on their team and the matchmaker compensated by giving them players with much higher ability.

Most of my recent games have been unreasonably one sided.
23099533 - Absolute stomp and the Sapphire team seemed to just not push with a massive advantage to BM or something. Ended with 90k difference.

23103847 - Another stomp by Amber team. 60k difference at the end.

23093693 - Another stomp by Sapphire team with a 70k difference at the end.

Horrible teammates who legit shouldn't be in this game. If you can't crack 20,000 damage in a 52 minute game, that's glaring.
Match ID: 23121127

Dominated in every lane by the 10 min mark enemy team had a 5k soul lead on everyone and all guardians lost. I was doing fine but my team was completely inexperienced in dealing with any of the heros ontop of them pinpoint deny all souls which lead to huge soul lead
Match ID: 23121686

0-6 Haze on my team kept feeding and did nothing to help. Absolutely dumpstered. Also it was a hero mismatch at the get go. Can't keep having matches where all the tankiest heroes end up on one side or the snipers both end up on one side.

Got stomped back to back in most of the games i played yesterday, didnt even bother to pick out the games from the past hours
Enemy team knew how to play, what to do etc, while my team ran around like some headless chickens, going 0/4 and "higher" pre minute 5
Yall are on a roll tonight. Fix you're matchmaking. Stop applying ranked MMR when i'm not even ranked.

Match ID: 23124968
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- 21891143 (lost)
- 21882588 (win)
- 22125562 (lost)
- 22133730 (lost)
- 22320215 (lost)

Before the 10 octobre update, all the matches were pretty well balanced. Matches were fun even when loosing because I could at least do something, try to improve or try new things etc

But since that update, the disparity were so big that each game I got my face blasted with sand, my mind got shattered, my depression was coming back (just kidding, but it was hard on the mind). In short, it wasn't pleasant at all and the last game decided to give me the finishing blow, I stopped playing since then, waiting for the MM to be fixed. My last game lasted only 15 minutes and the difference in souls was more than 60K, they got 48 kill on us vs 6 kill !!

I'm an average player, before that update I could do things, take down the tower, support my teammate, farm on the ennemies side, put pressure etc. Now I can't even take the first tower, I got shredded in 1vs1. I haven't seen the ennemies side ONCE !

It is not fun at all and kinda depressing to be honest. I got so shredded that I can't even learn or try things, nope. Just defend, get overpowered and killed, defend get overpowered killed, repeat etc etc. It's a massacre and pure suffering to be honest.

A thing that I noticed too was, if the team had a certain type of heros playing togheter, I knew we would had a big chance to lose. For exemple if the enemy's team start with : Haze, wraith, seven and some tank like M&K, pocket or vicious.

So yeah, dunno what happened. But still, I really enjoy the game so far. Thanks for the good work
(Match ID: 23129979)
Edit: got him a second time in the same day. Match ID: 23132719, valve please fix your matchmaking :(
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MATCH 23133272

If the Haze wasn't outright aimhacking, then for some reason we were going up against somebody with better tracking than Shroud.
Regardless, it was a miserable game.