matched with someone who clearly didnt understand how to play the game and hard quit after 20+ minutes. Insane that this game counts as a loss honestly. Come to think of it I dont think I've noticed one match where by the time somebody quits the match its already past 5 minutes so the game will count as a loss no matter what
A case of knowing exactly how this game was going to turn out from the start and a case of one player dictating the entire pace of the match. It's insanely frustrating how often this happens on either my team or the opposite because you can not reasonably coordinate dealing with/focusing the power player in that team and also keep up with lanes, urn, and defending objectives.
A game that felt tilted from the start. Notice how usually with these games it rare to see the top points on any category goto my team.
a game that devolved into me chatting pure shit in the game just to get any form of enjoyment out of the match. Just look at the kill diff alone, this shouldnt be a possibility so often!! How is someone expected to climb rank when a match can be decided simply by what characters are put together. Mirage in general is a weak and often detriment to a team due to his ult presence being lackluster and his kit only really being deadly by people who are focusing on what their doing and that makes me really sad. I love him but I do not think he's in a state that benifits the team in the mid and endgame.
Another example of hero diff meaning more than anything else in the current state of deadlock.
Mirage is used well here alongside Talon, Krill, Lash and Bebop. There is no situation where this team comp could fail if the team is semi aware of what they're doing. not fun at all to play against solo.
another match where hero diff decides the outcome. Vyper is not a very good character at the moment and her ultimate does more harm then good if used like any other ult in the game. She needs a heavy rework to make her more interesting.
there are multiple other examples of these things happening in the majority of the matches I play and considering these games on avarage last over 20 minutes, it doesnt feel good at all to dedicate that time to just continue to run into these matches and make not considerable progress in rank meaning i continue to run into lower quality matches with people who have less experience than I do.
I understand this game is far from being released and matchmaking is an ongoing problem but I cannot stress enough how frustrating it is to try to dedicate and learn its mechanics and quirks only to run into games where its instantly apparent how a match will turn out. It makes wanting to spend so much time in a match not worth the time.