Bad Matchmaking Thread


Valve Developer
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Matchid: 17601821 My 5 stack completely blew out the enemy team. (20:16 long)
Matchid: 17980517 We were crushed in every lane. Enemy team had a 53k soul lead at the end of the match. (27:48 long)
Matchid: 17584272 Another game where we stomped every lane. Only person that kept up on enemy team was Mirage. (24:32 long)
Matchid: 16543988 Crushed in each lane, each of us outplayed by the entire enemy team. 44k soul lead by the end of a 20minute game. (21:59 long)
September the 28th , match ID 18314416 - I do not recall much about this match other than the fact that I played terribly as Mirage and that it did not matter in the slightest - 40k souls difference in less than 20 minutes.

September the 28th , match ID 18065009 - absolute cakewalk with 60k souls difference in 21 minutes , only our dynamo struggled.
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A less egregious example, but the fact that my team (I was Bebop) floored the other team so hard that I felt bad a little bored probably makes this fall under "bad matchmaking". I hope this isn't taken as me bragging, I just wanted a more exciting match for my team and a more fair match for the enemy team.
18751797: 37k Souls lead at 19 minutes every lane won by a mile
19303549: 40k souls lead at 19 minutes, and i didnt even do anything, i could of AFK'ed and we would of still won in 20 minutes
19378218: Lost the game in under 18 minutes, and they had a 62k lead, I didnt even think it was possible to fall behind by 62k in under 18 minutes. We were ahead at 3 minutes, so in under 15 minutes they out scored us by 110k to 48k.
20019750 - Laning phase was horrible since the first minute. Frequent enemy ganks but non of my teammates would callout MIA. Midgame and my team had 0 agency compared to the other team, with no breathing room to stop their tempo/farming.

20045968 - This game was going fine. Everything was even and our team could contest the other on objectives. But my teammate (warden) typed in chat "just end" and "gg". Supringsly, his farm was fine and he had relatively low deaths. Trying to calm him down and convince him the game is even led to his rage quit. I haven't experienced that since early August.

20050654 - Laning went even for my teammate and I until midgame and we completely stomped the enemy team macro-wise. Two on the enemy team were completely lost throughout each phase of the game and their Lash player wasn't attempting to deny souls in contested lanes.
Match ID: 20123753

We took the tower in under 3 minutes in our lane and had multiple kills. We could clearly tell the players we were playing against were new.

40k soul difference in 15 minute game and we had around 6 deaths and 50 kills.
Match ID 20119784 All but 1 lane "lost" at the end of laning phase, one team never had nearly the same soul count and the game was a stomp.
Match ID 20121165 we were totally crushed by a team that where mechanically better and just better all around and tore us apart in 23 minutes. Had they not gone back twice and went to spawn kill us they would have had a sub 20 minute game
Ive had several games in this week where I get matched with people who are likely brand new and dont seem to know what they are doing.. but that seems intentional because currently it seems mm wants fast queues over skill balance. For example - ID19005423

Couldn't tell if this was just a stomp or if my teammates were genuinely new
Matchmaking in this game makes no sense, and every patch makes it feel worse. If I have 100+ games on one hero, and zero on another, what happens then? Also when I solo q, why do I constantly get put in grouped games? I know people in my games are grouped because they pause for each other and literally say so in chat.

If I had a decent WR on one hero for 100+ games, but absolutely nothing on another, do I get put in a lane with someone matching my MMR, even though I have never used the hero? Why are there so many grouped people in games that are soloq?
Match ID:
  1. 19607123
  2. 19749194
  3. 19773744
  4. 19744782
  5. 19756473
  6. 19875615
  7. 19884913
  8. 20063335
  9. 20089734
  10. 20051414
  11. 20074111
  12. 20118610
  13. 20160823
  14. 20169746
  15. 20175970
I won't talk about each match individually, but they all have one thing in common: my teammates or opponents were much weaker or, conversely, much stronger than me.
I have also attached recent MatchIDs, as there seem to be no changes in them.
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